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A/n: I don't speak Spanish so I apologize if there are mistakes, blame google translate.

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Love lots -AV

"Mitch, go ahead and grab us a table. I'm going to the restroom."
"Okay dad."

Mitch made his way to the hostess stand. The woman greeting him with a smile.

"Uhh, no. We just wanted to see about a table. My dad's in the restroom."
"Well, I'm sorry. It's going to be a no for tonight. Feel free to have your daddy make a reservation kid but we can't serve you tonight."

Mitch was a little taken aback by the woman's rudeness but went to find a seat and wait for his dad. Mike soon emerged, confused to see Mitch sitting near the exit.

"Son, where's our seat?"
"She," Mitch pointed to the woman up front, "said we couldn't eat here, they have no room tonight."
"Nonsense. Follow me." Mike stomped up to the hostess desk, giving the woman a tight smile. "Excuse me, you told my son there are no tables available?"
"Yes sir I did." The woman did a once over the short italian man before meeting his eyes in a challenge."Is there a problem?"
"Actually there is. Get me Mendoza right now."
"Sir I can't call the chef and owner from the kitchen just because you say so."
"I would suppose not. Give me a minute."

Mike pulled out his phone and dialed a number. Mitch stifled a giggle when he saw the contact. The woman just waited annoyed.

"Hey Jose, how are you?... I'm great... no actually I'm up front now but the hostess seems to think there are no tables available for my son and I... of course... see you in a second."

Mike smirked as he watched the doors of the kitchen swing open and the chef walk out toward the hostess. He smiled when he saw Mike and Mitch, hugging both men warmly.

"Oh dios mio, Mitchell look how you've grown. Every time I see you you're taller." The man rolled out in his thick accent.
"Mr. M, you saw me yesterday when Kit and I were rehearsing."
"Still, you're getting very big. I need you and my step-daughter to stop growing up so fast. Ay ay. You must slow down."
Mitch giggled again, "I'll work on that."

Mendoza pivoted quickly, squinting at the hostess, "are you unaware of who you said not to? ¿Eres estúpida niña? Not only is Mr. Grassi the largest investor en este restaurante. Él es mi muy buen amigo. ¿Tú entiendes?" Mitch loved how the man could effortlessly flow back and forth between the two languages. He hoped that one day he could do that too with his Italian.
"Yessir Mr. Mendoza. I understand."
"Good. Estas despedido. Turn in your apron before you leave."
"But I..."
Jose held up a hand. He wanted nothing more to do with the woman and he would hear no excuses. "Come along mis amigos. I have a table right by the kitchen for you."

Mike followed immediately but Mitch stayed behind to give the poor hostess a once over. He smiled, "maybe you should have been a bit nicer to this 'kid'." He walked off following his father and the chef. At the top they quickly sat as Jose discussed menu options for the pair.

"Mi pequeña Mitchie, fajitas, lots of pollo and pimentos. Corn tortillas. Extra guacamole on the side?"
"Oooooo, yes! You always know what I want!"
"And for Mikey, tapas and seared tuna? Cold cerveza?"
"Sí, sí."
"It will be right up."
"Gracias." The two replied in unison.
"De nada, my friends."

As soon as the kitchen doors swung shut, Mitch told his father he now had to go to the restroom. Mike smiled and waved the boy off. Mitch walked around to the other side of the restaurant, looking down at his phone as he texted Kirstie about the encounter with the hostess, obviously not paying attention to where he was going. Suddenly he tripped and fell forward, he put his hands out to break the impending fall that never came. He opened his eyes to a set of piercing blue ones staring down at him.

"Hey, you okay there Mitch?"
"Uhhh, yea. I'm so sorry Mr. Hoying. I should have been paying attention." Mitch blushed furiously as he grinned up at the blonde.
"It's just Scott. And it's okay, I'm glad I could stop you from falling."
"Thank you so much."
"Your dad here too?"
Mitch nodded vigorously, "he's at our table over there. I was just trying to get to the restroom."
'Guys," Scott called to the other men around him, "Mr. Grassi is here. We should speak before we get seated." There was a round of affirmations before the Scott finally let Mitch's upper arms go. "So, uh, I guess I'll see you around then Mitchie?"
"I'm sure you will. Thanks again for not letting me fall. See you later." With that mitch walked off sparing another glance back to see that Scott hadn't moved to follow his friend but that he was still staring at Mitch.

Once he was safely in the stall, Mitch pulled out his phone again, texting his best friend.

Scott Hoying... Gay or nay?

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