The Itch- Chapter 2

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Harry Potter was having a very odd day, and it all started out with Draco Malfoy.

Harry had arrived on time at the train station and sat in a compartment with Ron and Hermione. They were his friends, why shouldn't he sit with them? Harry remembered exactly why the moment they both moved a bit too close to each other and suddenly 'Mione was in Ron's lap snogging the life out of him. It had happened all in a flash. They didn't even notice as he got up and moved out of the compartment. All he wanted was peace, and they did not seem to want to offer it.

Harry had stumbled around until he found what he thought to be an empty compartment far away from the rest of...well, everyone. He opened the door and found Malfoy sprawled out on one of the seats, book in hand. He shot up from where he was laying and adjusted his robe, pulling it down so Harry couldn't see the skin he had been showing by accident.

"Bloody hell, Potter!" He sneered at him. Harry had been shocked, but not shocked enough to not sneer back. he scrambled off and slammed the compartment door behind him. Better to find a different compartment.

While he searched, he thought about Malfoy. He looked different. It wasn't too much of a change, but after years of knowing him, Harry recognized the change. He was more...Glowy. His skin seemed vibrant and so did his hair, something odd about him that made him more attractive. Not that he was ever attractive to begin with. Harry made sure to tell himself. Something about him made him itch. In the back of his mind, there was an itch that seemed to call out to him. Harry dismissed his off thoughts of Malfoy and itching and focused on finding a compartment.


Harry did end up finding a compartment with Neville and Luna. They were kind to him and Harry made a promise to sit with them more often, especially with what Neville had done during the war. Harry swept the thought out of his mind. Now was not a time to think of the war or the suffering. Those thoughts lead to more thoughts of Malfoy.

The entry ceremony was as exciting as every year, something Harry would never bore of. He cheered every time a first year was sorted into Gryffindor and made sure to introduce himself to them. Some of the Purebloods looked at him in awe, something that after all these years he still wasn't used to. The night went well, all until Ginny moved to kiss him.

All summer he had dreaded this moment, the moment he would have to say no to her and pull her aside and say "Ginny, this isn't working." Only, it was working. Nothing was wrong with their relationship, he...He just didn't love her the way he was supposed to.

So, the moment Ginny moved in he turned his head a bit to the side. She kissed his cheek instead. He let out an internal sigh of relief. Ginny gave him a sad look and was about to probably ask him what was going on when he cut her off by laughing at a joke Mione had made about Ron eating too much. Ginny faced him with a look that said "We'll talk later" and talk later they would.


He was the one to pull her outside and into the rain. It had been raining on and off all day. Harry didn't mind, he liked the rain. It always managed to calm him.

"Harry? Where are you taking me?" Ginny asked with a smile and a bit of a laugh. Harry stopped and looked back at her.

'Harry?" She could see the sadness in his face and he knew it.

"Ginny, I think we need to talk," He said, he was trying to be as calming as possible but that only seemed to make it worse.


"I..." Harry started. he didn't know how to phrase it, after all this time he thought about it. "This isn't working out."

Ginny looked at him with those questioning again. "What are you talking about?" A nervous laugh came from her, he could tell she finally starting to understand.

"Ginny" He moved closer, she took a step back. "I don't love you like you love me anymore."


The sound echoed a bit off of the walls. Harry didn't even react, it hurt less than other things. He embraced the pain, he deserved the pain. In a last ditch effort, he moved a hand towards her. She slapped it away. Her eyes were watering and she looked so angry at him, she was raging with anger and sadness. She deserved so much more than him.

"Why?" She whispered to him, not daring to meet her eyes, Harry said

"You're like a sister to me Gin." And with that, she walked away. She walked away from him, and her future with him, and everything she thought she deserved.

Harry let himself slump to the stone steps and cry. His face dropped into his hands, and he embraced the cold air around him.

"Potter?" A voice called out to him. Harry's head shot up out of his hands. It was Malfoy. He was getting ready to sneer when he just, let go and looked up to the sky. He wouldn't dare look into the face of Malfoy, not right now.

"I broke it off." Harry didn't know why he said it. He just needed to hear something from Malfoy, needed a reaction. When he said nothing. Harry looked away from the ceiling and stared into Malfoys beautiful grey eyes. They were so grey they almost seemed blue, and blue was his favorite colour then. For a moment, the itching went away. And at that moment, something snapped in him, a snap that called out to Malfoy with all its might.

Malfoys eyes widened and he started to mutter to himself, a stream of unsteady "No's" fell out of his lips.

"Malfoy?" Harry asked. He was paling very fast. The no's kept coming. Harry moved to stand up to help him, but he shot a hand out as if saying "Don't come any closer." Harry didn't move any closer.

"I...I have to go." Malfoy said. He wouldn't look him in his eyes. Harry wanted to see those eyes again, but Malfoy stumbled off into Hogwarts and away from Harry's questions.

The Itch (Harry/Veela!Draco)Where stories live. Discover now