The Itch- Chapter 4

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A while after Harry sat out in the rain he headed back to the Gryffindor Dorm. The itching in his mind was even more unbearable ever since that snap that had happened with Malfoy.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked the moment he walked into the common room. Harry tried to change his face to hide the look he was wearing, but it was too late.

"I'm just tired." He lied, and he knew she could tell.

"Harry, tell me what's wrong." She said again. He sighed and plopped down into one of the maroon armchairs.

"I broke up with Ginny." He said with a sigh. Hermione closed her book and sat up.

"Is that why you're upset?" She asked. "You've been talking about it for a while." Harry raised his eyebrows.

"I have?" He didn't remember ever telling her. Harry had actually made sure to not tell anyone.

"No, technically you haven't. I knew. You broke up because you're gay, right? Or was I not supposed to know that?" She mused to herself while Harry blushed and sputtered for an excuse. He gave up with a sigh.

"How did you know?" He whispered. She just scoffed.

"Please Harry. I'm your best friend." He nodded. Thoughts of Malfoy ran through his head again. He itch was there, it was a magnetic pull that led him straight to Malfoy and Harry didn't appreciate it one bit.


"Yes, Harry?" She said, putting down the book again.

"I talked a bit with Malfoy today and something strange has been happening ever since." Her eyebrows raised a bit and she moved her book to the small stand next to it. Most of the time the common room was overpopulated but everyone was either in a different dorm and visiting or sleeping for the school day.

"What happened?" She looked like she knew something.

"I was talking with him right after Ginny broke up with me and he looked into my eyes and I felt a snap. It was really odd. Ever since I feel," He paused down and looked down at his palms. "I feel a pull to him, and he won't leave my mind."

Hermione's eyes widened. "Oh, Merlin Harry." She whispered.

"What? Mione, what's wrong?" She just shook her head in disbelief. Harry felt a feeling sink into his gut. This was nothing good, was it?

"Harry." She said as if to calm him, looking deep into his eyes. "Draco Malfoy is Veela. It's common knowledge. Oh god." She muttered to herself again and looking down at her hands.

"What is it!?" Harry was growing impatient and he did not like being left out of the loop. Her head shot up and she looked at him again.

"Draco Malfoy is part Veela, a creature notorious for protection of their mates. When they meet their mate they will physically and mentally fall apart if they do not accept them. Harry, you are Malfoy's mate."

Harry stopped breathing. He just stopped. The air wouldn't move into his lungs no matter how much he tried. "What?" he managed to get out. Hermione gave him a pitying look. That was why Malfoy ran off, that was why he kept saying no. His mind screamed to him. It made so much sense now. And Merlin did Harry wish it wasn't true but he knew it was. He could feel the bond and that bond led straight to Malfoy.

"I'm sorry," Mione said. She moved to put a hand on his shoulder. He stepped back and raised his hands like a startled animal.

"I," He managed to choke out. "I'm going to bed." Hermione didn't try to follow him as Harry walked into the Boys Dormitory. Maybe, just maybe, when he woke up he would realize it was only a dream. So Harry lied down on his bed and fell asleep, his dreams filled with the face of Draco Malfoy.


It wasn't a dream. Harry knew that the moment he woke up in flashes of pain rolling down his back. He hissed and rolled his shirt over his head. With the shirt gone, Harry moved to feel his back, it was scorching to the touch.

"Shit," Harry said as he jumped out of his bed and ran to the showers.

After a cold shower, the burning wasn't as intense and he took a moment to try and inspect his back in the foggy mirror. He twisted into an uncomfortable position but he didn't mind as soon as he saw the black markings on his back. Harry knew they were permanent, they were etched into his magic too, he could feel it caressing his magic. More comforting than anything.

"Malfoy." Harry muttered. He supposed, that if they were stuck together for the rest of his life he had better start calling him Draco.

Harry tugged his shirt and boxers back on before going back to sleep. This time, he avoided sleeping on his back and opted to lay on his stomach instead. Harry promised himself that later, tomorrow, he would have a talk with Malfoy, one that involved an explanation.


Ron and Hermione had already beat him to the dining hall when he managed to roll out of bed. When he walked into the room he knew Draco wasn't there yet. He could sense he was still in the Dungeon. Without him near Harry felt cold, it was a cold aching that only was worse the longer they were apart. Not to mention the itch in the back of his mind that was driving him crazy.

Hermione gave him a glance and smiled a bit. He smiled back, but he didn't feel like it. It was pathetic of him to feel that way, but he did. Harry ate some of his food and watched the door for Draco. He was afraid to see him, but also afraid of what would happen if Draco didn't show up and what that would mean.

Draco Malfoy walked into the room and the itch went away. A warm feeling made its way up his spine as Draco walked past, his eyes widened at the feelings. Draco's eyes met his and Harry looked away.

Draco took his seat and Harry looked away, not wanting to watch Draco eat his food like a weirdo. Harry took a deep breath and stood. Ron gave him a look but went back to eating his food. Hermione asked with her eyes "Whats wrong?" Harry nodded his head towards Draco and Hermione gave an understanding nod.

Harry's spine warmed the closer he got to the boy, his mate he reminded himself.

"Hello Potter," Draco said without turning around. He must have felt the burning too. Draco turned around and stared into his eyes. His eyes were mesmerizing. The itching started again, Harry hated it. The never-ending pull to Draco was hard to fight off but Harry managed to.

"Hello, Draco." He said, Draco's eyes widened at the use of his first name and he leaned back onto the table behind him.

"Any reason you have decided to grace me with your presence 'Harry'?" Harry could tell he was mocking him but he didn't mind, they would work over it.

"We need to talk." Harry looked down at his feet and shuffled a bit, trying to convey Draco to understand, he needed him to understand.

"About..." Draco asked.

"The itching."

The Itch (Harry/Veela!Draco)Where stories live. Discover now