Chapter 9

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        Oh, Calamity! by All Time Low to the side for those of you who like music to go along with their chapters.

        Juliet coughed, though it came out sounding more like a hack. Her eyes burned and watered, everything was covered in dust, making it clear that something terrible had happened. Something warm and sticky fell on her face. Reaching into her bra she pulled out a miniature flashlight, twisting it at the base, light played around her surroundings.

"Oh, Shawn..." his head was bent low hanging almost lifelessly and blood dripped from numerous cuts on his face, arms, and shoulders. The only sounds she could hear was the drip of blood and Shawn's ragged breathing. He was still crouched over her, his arms braced on either side of her head and his knees on either side of her torso. His hair looked gray, it was so filled with dust.

"Shawn, Shawn, honey, where are you hurt?" she asked, feeling nerve-racking panic crashing over her in waves.

"Cut...on head. Broken ankle. Can't feel mah arm." he wheezed.

Sliding the pineapple knife free from its sheath, Juliet cut a large makeshift bandage from the hem of her dress and bandaged the cut on his forehead that was bleeding so badly. Her fingers came back sticky.

"Jules..." he coughed and in the small light the flashlight offered; he smiled haggardly.

"Don't talk, Shawn. Save your strength." she told him.

"Jules, we both know..."

"No, Shawn, we don't know anything yet. Stop talking. We don't know anything, yet." Juliet said, choking back her tears. Raising up on one elbow she wrapped her hand around his neck and kissed him gently.

"Stop trying to talk, Shawn. I'm not going to lose you today." she proclaimed, her eyes blazing.


Outside of their small alcove under the rubble every word they said could be heard because Juliet's microphone was somewhere and unbroken.

The firemen were arriving and Chief Vick had taken control of the situation. After moving all of the civilians (except for Gus and Henry) to safety she had called immediately for help. She found the guy in charge and explained the circumstances to him.

"I have an officer in there, along with a consultant. The consultant is badly hurt and fading fast, he shielded my officer with his own body. They're together." she informed him, her cool facade falling.

"Have they been pinned down by any falling rubble?" the firemen asked, surveying the damage.

"I can't be sure. All we know is what they say. They were in the middle of a play. Her microphone is still on..."she was cut off by Juliet's voice coming in over the loudspeaker.

"Shawn? Shawn! Stay awake! Stay with me!" Chief Vick turned to the man her eyes panicked.

"Just get them out!" The firefighter shed his jacket and raced to his men as Lassiter gathered the small group of police officers, Gus, and Henry. The two groups merged with the older firefighter taking the lead.

"The girl is the priority." he informed them as they climbed onto the stage, accompanied only by Juliet's soft crying.

"That's my son." said Henry harshly.

"And my best friend." added Gus angrily, wiping tears off of his face.

“I understand, but from what I’m hearing he would want her out first anyway, right?”

Gus glared but knew that the other man was speaking the truth.

            “Shawn. I’m going to try something, okay? We’re going to switch places now.” Juliet said eliciting amazed gasps from the others working on removing the rubble from where they were guessing the couple was buried.

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