In a land of magic on the brink of war, three stories are fated to meet.
Lilac is being forced into a marriage she never wanted, for the benefit of her kingdom.
Lily is trapped in a life of servitude and endless poverty after her mother dies...
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"Good morning, your Highness. Did you sleep well?"
It was a well meaning question from Anna, but I found no energy to answer. I hardly had any sleep last night, between dreams and thinking furiously.
Today, I was to take tea with Lilac and her ladies in the garden, but the morning and evening were mine to do as I pleased.
I sent Anna away, preferring to dress myself. I couldn't trust anyone in Alaric's court, although Anna didn't seem like a spy to me.
I chose a simple dress of dove gray. Mother loved the more exotic choice of colors and dresses, but bold was never my style.
I was just pinning up my hair when there was a slight knock on my chamber door.
"Enter." I called, pushing one last pin up into the loose knot I had styled my hair in. Evander opened the door and slipped in, a troubled look creasing his face.
"What is it now?" I asked, exasperated.
His eyebrow shot up, "What put you in a foul mood, Rose?"
I rolled my eyes, "Many things. The biggest being my annoying older brother."
"I'll just go, then." He turned and went to leave.
"No! Wait," I sighed, "I'm sorry. Sleep eluded me last night. You wanted to talk, I take it?"
He faced me again and leaned against the door, arms crossed. He had his protective big brother look on, which meant that I was in for a lengthy lecture.
He must've caught wind of my actions last night.
"Rose, is there something you're not telling me?" Evander asked seriously.
I bit my lip.
Yes, there was something I wasn't telling him. I wasn't telling him that I was helping my enemy's son. And that I was suspicious of the woman he was to marry in two weeks.
"No, of course not." I said instead.
He narrowed his eyes, "Then are the rumors true? Are you... seeing someone in the court? You would tell me about it, wouldn't you?"
I didn't want to lie to him. Evander and I told each other everything. Secrets were what forged our relationship.
I chuckled a little, hating myself, "Well, you shouldn't believe those silly rumors, you above anyone should know that."
"Someone saw you with a gentleman, Rosalee, don't lie to me."
I bristled, "And what if I am? I needn't tell you everything, Evander, it is my business."
It isn't what you think! My thoughts screamed when I saw the look of hurt on his face. I chewed the inside of my cheek to prevent myself from saying something I would regret.