You Got Your Wish Weasley

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The dementors made school frightening for everyone, and I was ashamed to say Draco had not made it easier on some of the other students, especially Harry Potter.

I had never quite got over my fright of them on the train. They brought up every insecure and bad feeling I had ever had.

He really went out of his way to make Harry's life miserable. Well, more miserable than he usually did. The very first night he mocked him in the Great Hall for passing out. I have been trying to stay ot of their battles. Harry is not so bad. He is just not my type. I am quiet but it sure doesn't seem like I like to surround myself with the quiet sort does it? I guess that is for the best. What would we talk about? Or how would we talk at all? I am not very entertaining.

The school year was already rough on Harry with that Sirius Black on the loose. Mum and Dad tried to keep it real hush, hush but with Fred and George around, we all knew this mad man had escaped to kill Harry. And then the he had come right in to the castle! Slashed up their portrait from what we had heard. Someone called the Fat Lady. Seriously, they could not think of a better name for her. Like their ghost "Nearly Headless Nick" how... ignoble.

That night Professor Dumbedore made us all sleep in sleeping bags in the great hall. James made us girls sleep between him and Frank. He made sure I slept closest to him saying as the sister of Harry's best friend he wasn't taking any chances. Draco looked... well, downright odd... about that, but he didn't say anything as Pansy declared she could not possibly sleep unless she was right next to Draco. That gave me a funny feeling in my tummy, but I didn't say anything either.

But back to Draco and his determination to be an arse. As soon as he found out Harry had passed out on the train he went out of his way to embarrass him as much as he could about it. He mocked him in the Great Hall, embarrassing me terribly and Ginny and I had a horrible fight about it. The worst part was it wasn't exactly like I could defend him. He was absolutely in the wrong. I felt even worse because even though I didn't pass out, I felt pretty scared. And now I felt like I couldn't even talk to my best friend about it. I guess he hadn't been as scared as I was.

It may have all really started with Harry getting that Firebolt. I could not have been more pleased, but for entirely other reasons. They were on the market! I mean I had seen the test model in the window of course but one display model does not a line make. But one purchase and sent out! I didn't care if Sirius Black or Voldemort himself had sent Harry that Firebolt.

HAH! See Draco? I DO belong in Slytherin.

OK, maybe that was a little over the top mean...

But when I got an owl from the Spudmore Bro.s Company telling me to stay tuned for exciting news I could not have been more excited.

Draco was prat all that day though. He was churlish and surly with me and I told him if he did not knock it off he could bleeding well go hang out with his other friends. He snapped that maybe now that my brother's best friend had got one of my beloved Firebolts maybe I wanted to go sit my prissy arse on that for a change.

I said nothing just stared at him. He crossed his arms and glared at me. I did not glare. I did not want to play this game. I just gathered my things to leave.

"Well, Weasley, I guess you got your wish, you are a normal gold digging witch just like the rest." He sneered.

I just continued walking. When I got to the top of the stairs I whispered "And now I guess you are like the rest too."

But then Ron and I found something to bond over. That witch Hermione Granger! She committed a sin. A crime so foul that I almost wished dementors would get her! She told McGonagall it was a mystery gift and that foul woman was going to take it apart. TAKE IT APART! We were united in our hatred of her. Normally I would be united in my hatred of her with Draco, but I was not speaking to him. We had not spoken in weeks. And so help me, if that broom did not come back in pristine condition I had some pretty serious dark plans for that... that... I thought a word so dark and foul it would have made the nastiest pure blood supremacist proud.

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