The Chamber of Secrets

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I knew I should have stayed in Dumbledore's office with my family. They were devastated as well. Mum was inconsolable and Dad... he just stared at a wall like he didn't know anyone was even there. It was clear they had already given up.

To them Ginny was dead or as good as.

I couldn't stand to stay. I could not watch them treat Ginny as a... a past tense.

So I ran. I ran to the only place that felt like home right now, the dungeons. I didn't know what I was going to do when I got there besides panic. Maybe cry. I just wanted to get away, to be alone.

Normally this time of day the common room would be empty, everyone would be in class. I expected to slip in and head up to my room with no one the wiser.

This day was the exception. Because of the attacks and Ginny missing, classes had been cancelled, so when I opened the door to the dungeons I was met by a sea of faces. They all knew my twin was taken and I could tell by the sympathetic looks I was getting that everyone here considered Ginny dead and gone as well.

So I turned and fled. This time I made my way to one of the entrances to our secret passages. The one behind the big tapestry showing the history of some old goblin rebellion.

Sliding inside the panel that separated the main castle from our tunnels I collapsed against a wall and sobbed.

Curled up in the fetal position as I was, with my head on my knees and my arms wrapped around myself for comfort, I never noticed when the panel slid open again and someone sat beside me. I did not realize I was no longer alone until someone reached out and gently took my hand. I startled a bit until I looked up and in to the very concerned silver eyes of Draco Malfoy.

Embarrassed I put my head back down on my knees. "No one supposed to see me like this." I mumbled in to my robes "I came here to be alone."

Rubbing my hand he said quietly "We are alone, don't worry, I won't let anyone else in."

I wanted to laugh, he wasn't supposed to see me like this either, weak and miserable "You were part of "no one" Draco." I managed with a weak smile.

"As if I was going to let you run off somewhere alone and upset. You are my best girl friend, Alya." He suddenly seemed to realize what he had said "I mean not girlfriend girl friend, just..."

"Draco? Stop talking now." I whispered and held his hand a little tighter.

"Yeah... alright" he said, pulling me into his side and wrapping an arm around me.

With my head on his shoulder I wondered when we had gone from mere acquaintances to best friends. I mean, was he even my best friend? I thought about who else could be. I mean I liked my group and they were some of my closest friends, but were any of them best friend material?

No, I decided, he was right. Everything I had done this year from learning Quidditch to flying around memorizing plays had been because he is my friend. Best friend, I clarified to myself.

After I had cried myself out I finally looked up "You have to go now, Draco, I... have something to do."

"You are mad if you think I am going to let you wander off looking for Ginny on your own." He said firmly "We go together or not at all."

He stood up and pulled me to my feet. "Alright, which way?" he asked.

Thinking about it long and hard I finally said "Down further. We have only gone up from here and if the Chamber were there we would have seen it. We have not cleared out the passages below so they will still be filled with cobwebs and dust."

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