Chapter Eleven: Another Boy

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Slappy kissed the top of my head and got up.

Oh my goodness! He just gave me a kiss! Then again, he always does that. I do not know why though. It is not like I am going to be the new queen or anything...

"Well, I had better go," the puppet stated, patting my head.

My face saddened, and I immediately gave him the puppy eyes. I did not want him to leave. I enjoyed his company. But since he was the king of Horrorland, he had other places to be other than spending time with me.

Sometimes, I wished that he was not king.

"Please," I begged. "Do not go."

He chuckled. "Begging will not work, Shelly. Besides, I have to prepare for the dance. You want the dance to be nice and memorable, right?"

I looked down. "...yeah."

Slappy pulled me into a hug. "I know that you are sad because we hardly ever spend time together."

I just nodded in response.

"Tonight will be different. The dance is all about having fun with your family and friends. No work. No busyness. None of that." He gently tilted my chin, so I was looking at him. "I promise you, Shelly Madison, that I will spend all my time with you this evening. We will talk together. We will dance together. And we will especially have fun together. How does that sound?"

I let out a heavy sigh. "That sounds great...but..."

"But what?"

" said that you will be revealing your queen."


" are going to hang out with her, dancing and partying all night. And where will I be?" I sniffed and tried holding back tears. "In the dust."

The puppet smiled and stroked my cheek. "No need to worry about that. I will be with you too. I am sure that my queen will understand."

I sniffed again. "R-really?"

"Of course. She is very nice. You will take a liking to her."

"What...what is her name?"

Slappy's eyes widened, and then he rolled his eyes, still smiling at me. "Sorry. I am not telling you that."

Upon hearing his statement, I pouted. "Aw. Why not?"

"It would not be fair for everyone else. You want me to be fair, do you not?"

"But...we are best friends."

"Consider this as a surprise. I promise you that you will love this surprise. Trust me."

I looked down. "Fine."

Slappy kissed my head once more. "See you later, my dear." With that, he disappeared.

The baby wolf who was still in my lap barked at me and wagged its little tail, ordering me to continue petting it. I slightly smiled at the wolf and brushed my hand against his furry back.

The wolves love it when I pet them and play with them.

"Are you not hungry like your brothers and sisters?" I asked the wolf. The baby wolf shook its furry head and snuggled against me, and I giggled. Sometimes, the wolves are not hungry at all and just desired me to play with them.

When the rest of the baby wolves were done eating the steak, they scurried up to me and barked happily, thanking me for the delicious steak.

"You are welcome," I replied.

It was now playtime.

"What do you want to play today?" I asked.

Some of the baby wolves hurried off and soon came back with an inflated beach ball. "You wanna play ball?"

They nodded and panted.

"Alright, let us play ball!" I had just grabbed the ball, when I heard a voice.

"Psst! Shelly!"

"Huh?" I looked around. "Slappy?"

"No, your friend!"

"...James?" I turned and suddenly saw him. He was standing on the other side of the gates that led to the outside world. "James!" I ran over to him. "Oh my gosh, James! It has been so long since I last saw you! Where have you been?"

James frowned. "Trying to keep away from your annoying family," he said.

"...oh." I sighed. That would make the most sense.

You see, my family and friends here at this park, even Slappy, do not want me to be friends with outsiders. Why? I do not know.

I tried making friends with the outsiders, but I have never succeeded. Slappy would either kick them out of the park or let his guards throw them in the dungeon.

Then I met James.

He was the sweetest, kindest person that I had come to know - and love.

Yes, I had crush on him too. I had a crush on both Slappy and James.

I loved Slappy more. He was cute and handsome, and I really had a desire to be his. However, there was no chance of that happening. He had already picked out a lovely queen to be with for the rest of his life. Though, I was happy for him. He deserved to be happy.

I would not make a good queen anyway.

"How are you doing, Shelly?" James wondered.

"Pretty good," I answered.

The baby wolves came up from behind me and growled. Even they do not like James.

"Hey, it is okay," I reassured the wolves. "James is a good friend of mine. He would not hurt a fly."

"Nope," he said in agreement. He eyed the beach ball that I was holding in my hands. "Where are you off to? The beach?"

I giggled. He was funny. "No, I was just about to play with the little guys, and then I heard you."

"Oh, sorry for the interruption."

"No trouble at all. I am so glad to see you!"

James played with the zipper on his jacket. "I came by to see if you would like to come with me to the arcade this evening."

My eyes beamed. I loved the arcade that was down the street. Horrorland has one, but it is not as good. People keep getting sucked into the games.

"Of co—" I started, and then remembered the dance. "Wait a minute. Sorry, James. I cannot go tonight."

"Why not?" he asked.

"There is a dance that is being held at the park tonight. Everyone has to be there, including me."

"A dance? Seriously?"

I slowly nodded. "Yeah, but I wish that I could go with you instead." I crossed my arms. "I have a feeling that it will not be fun. I am afraid that my friend Slappy will ditch me."

"Why do you say that?"

"He...he is announcing his queen during the dance and is planning to spend time with her. I told him about my concern, and he promised me that he would spend time with me also...but...I do not think that he will."

James reached through the bars of the gates and took my hand into his. "I thought that he was a loser, but Shelly, if he cannot be with you during the dance, then he is just a jerk and thereby, does not deserve you and your beautifulness."

I blushed. "James..."

He put his hands on my shoulders, pulled me close to him...

...and kissed me deeply.

And I kissed him back.

A chill suddenly ran down my back. I had a feeling that someone was watching us.

Someone who I was close to.

The Dummy and His Queen - A Goosebumps Fanfiction {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now