Chapter Fourteen: Saving the Day

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"J-James, please," I pleaded, struggling to break free from his grasp. "It does not have to be like this."

"Believe me, Shelly, I did not want to do this to you," he confessed.

"Then put the knife down and let my queen go!" the puppet ordered. I blushed a little when Slappy said the word 'queen.' It would be a while before I got used to being called the queen.

James shook his head. "No can do."

"Why not?!"

"I love Shelly. I was always there for her when she needed the company." He narrowed his eyebrows. "Unlike you."

It was Slappy's turn to narrow his eyebrows. "I had important stuff that needed to be done. Nevertheless, I kept her company every chance that I got."

"Well, it was not good enough. She kept coming to me for comfort."

"That is because she did not know what she was doing!" The puppet glared at me, and then back at James. "She is a smart cookie, but I did not want her to be hurt by your kind! And yes, even though that she is a human herself, she is not like the human slaves that I met in my past. Shelly is wonderful, nice, and so funny. Most importantly, she accepts me for what I am."

I blushed more.

"And I was okay with her finding an outsider to be her friend. I hoped every day that she would meet an outsider that would become her friend. But did that happen? No! Instead, she met bullies and snobs, so I had to either kick them out or put them in the dungeon, whatever I thought that was best. Shelly did not truly see them for who they were, but I did, seeing that I exactly know what evil is, and I only wanted to protect her from stupid people like you."

"Stupid?" I heard a low growl from James. "I am not stupid, dummy."

An evil grin spread across Slappy's face. "Usually, I get very unhappy if somebody calls me the 'D' word," he informed. "Not this time though. And do you know why?" James did not say anything, so Slappy answered for him. 'Cause you are already acting like a dummy."

James gritted his teeth. "I am not a dummy."

"Yes, you are." He began walking slowly around me and James and gave me a wink. "Poor you. How desperate you are for making Shelly yours, even after Shelly offered to still be friends with you."

I watched the puppet carefully. What was he up to?

"I am not desperate," James said. "I am just claiming what is rightfully mine."

"And yet, you are holding a pocketknife to her neck," Slappy pointed out. "What does that prove?"

"That I am going to get my way, whether you like it or not."

Slappy raised an eyebrow. "What if you do not get your way? Then what are you going to do?"

James hesitated before speaking. "I—"

"Hurt Shelly? Kill her? I thought that you loved her."

"I do!"

The puppet crossed his arms and stared at him. "You do not love her. Not like I do. I care for her safety. You do not. You are scaring her and willing to hurt her in any way possible just to get what you want."

"I love Shelly more!"

He rolled his eyes. "Dream on." He grabbed my hands and suddenly, a group of Horror guards came up from behind James and tackled him to the ground. Slappy quickly pulled me away before I got tackled down too.

James screamed and tried to break himself free, but the Horrors held him tightly. One of the Horrors roughly grabbed the knife and tossed it to the ground.

Slappy took a step forward, rubbing the back of one of my hands. "James...whatever your last name is...I hereby sentence you to the dungeon for the rest of your life!" he proclaimed.

With that, the Horror guards dragged James away.

"I love you, Shelly!" James screamed. "I will be back for you!"

I shuddered, and Slappy pulled me close. "He will never come back," he whispered. "I will make sure of that."


I turned and saw my family and the other creatures hurrying towards us.

"Oh my gosh! Shelly!" my grandmother exclaimed as she held my face and examined it. "Did that bad boy hurt you?"

I slightly smiled. "Nope," I said and glanced at the puppet. "And it was all thanks to Slappy."

I could see Slappy beginning to blush. "Aw, shucks."

"Why were you all ignoring me all day?" I asked.

"Because Slappy informed us that you kissed that boy," my mother answered. "Thankfully, I knew that you and the king would make up, and you did." She gently patted my head. "I knew that you would make a great queen from the very first day that you arrived to this park." She smirked. "Now all you need to get ready for is your wedding."

I gulped. "W-wedding?"

The Dummy and His Queen - A Goosebumps Fanfiction {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now