Chapter 1

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" hey kedamono! There's this new trick I want to try!" I said walking to him, book in hand. He was once again watching UFO girls.

He turned to me with a a blank expression. And my smiled went flat. "Mmmmmm" I growled as I went to the page of the trapeze artist.

"Looks fun. Should we ask your dad first?" He said with a smile mask.

"Uhhhhh.. no we can do it our selfs. Come on." I said angrily pulling him to the desert area.

His mask turned to a sad one when he dropped his drumstick on the dirt. I'm now starting to get a little ticked off.

"ILL GET YOU ANOTHER ONE LATER!" I yelled. As I kept dragging him.

*time skip to that desert area you know which one*

I wiped my forehead. 'Why is it so god damn hot. Oh wait we live in the desert' I complained in my head. I'm starting to get mad now, not only do I have to trug my self through the desert but also my heavy assistant.

"Ok fuck you!" I yelled at him as soon as I saw he was knocked out.

I let go of a sleeping kedamono and placed my hands on my knees.

"Ahhhh" kedamono screamed as fell on the hot sand. Ok now I'm pissed.

I turned my head to face him and gave him the death glare. His masked turned to the scared one.

"You are so dead" I said exhausted. "Moving on let's just get working." I said walking into the building.

We walked up the stairs and inside the plaza was a tent roof with bars and handles near the ceiling.

I put my hands on my hips and looked behind me to see kedamono looking around.

"Okay. You get the left I get right." I said going toward the right corner. I started up the ladder till I got on the platform.

I grabbed the handle from the holder and walked to the edge. I looked down to see a net. Ok at least I won't die if I hit the bottom. I looked on the other side to see keda holding his hadle patiently.

I started to back up then took a running start off the platform. I closed my eyes as I pulled my self up to sit on the bar. I opened my eyes to see kedamono holding him self upside down by his back knee.

'Oh he thinks he could be better than me now does he?' I thought getting jealous. I slowly hung my self in the same position. As I started swing back to the platform for the seventh time, I reached my hands out to grab the holding pole and gave myself a strong push. I looked back a head to see kedamono reaching his hands out ready to jump on mine. I got ready and we both through our selfs tword the other.

I reached my hands out to grab the bar but I started swing back. My eyes widen once I saw keda grab onto my bar. I look down to see the net closer and closer. I closed my eyes and braced for impact. I hit the net and bounced a little.

Once I fully stoped bouncing i saw keda run up to the net and started asking me if I was ok.

"THAT WAS HORRIBLE POPEE!" Yelled papi. Ughhh just what I need right now. "And on top of that why didn't you guys ask me" he said getting a little sad.

"Because we don't need you on this one. I almost got it just someone didn't push off the platform strong enough." I yelled pouting to my lousy assistant. In returned blushed and walked backwards.

"You obviously do need me if you fell onto the net. And almost got it doesn't cut it. What happens when the net isn't there and you fall?! Then what popee?!" He argue.

" we just need more training." " pack you bags. Both of you"

Wait hold up he's not kicking us out of the circus is he?! Is he? "Dad are you... are you kicking us out?" I said tearing up. He turned to face me and keda.

"No you will see when we get there. Just pack your bags and Paola will take you to figure out how a real zircus works together." He said walking out of the building.

" come on keda. Let's go." I said walking tword the exit of the building with him on my left side.

For those of you who don't know what building I'm taking about. It's the one with stairs that's in monocycle. I think. And just add some stuff to it. Oh and art and music will never be mine. I am just using it for you guys to look at. The only picture I own is the cover.

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