Jane the Killer & Homidcidal Liu

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Hey guys if you read my other stories I need a new male characters name and so that was the announcement so yeah



I woke yet again bound to a ice cold table and I was still tied up but my eyes were still covered god were they idiots,but I noticed another thing,I couldn't move anything I tried to open my mouth,lift my arm,my leg and other parts of my body but with no prevail.I tried to talk but couldn't,I tried everything but still without prevail,"Look Jane she trying to move," heard footsteps approach me and I felt my cheek being caressed again I wanted to bite the hand that was doing so but I couldn't."Liu do you think I should send Jeffery a post card or a letter of death,"I heard a second set of footsteps moving toward me and stop at my feet and I heard a clicking sound but it wasn't a door locking,no it was a camera being set off,I stiffened,"Now that's a perfect idea now don't get me in the shot just my hand ok,"he said and I heard a giggle and another click,"Hey I said not Me,"he stopped  caressing my cheek and walked over to where Jane was and I heard laughter coming from there and they walked over to my side again and one of them removed the cloth from my eyes,"I wander what her eyes looked like before," I heard Jane say to Liu,"Well considering that her eyes are two different shades of blue I would say that they were two different colors,huh.Isnt that right Dezy,"I froze(,if that was possible,) and looked in his direction,"should we let her talk Liu,or let her suffer,"Jane asked and that made him chuckle and he caressed my cheek,"I think we should and when Jeff gets.......If Jeff gets here........I think it will be fun to listen to her scream as we rip open her chest and rip out her heart and throw it accross the room.......,"he started to laugh like a maniac and he stared at me."THIS IS GOING TO BE LOADS OF FUN,"

Jeff POV

I couldnt believe what he just said,MY OLD HOUSE,HOW IN ZALGOS NAME WOULD HE DO THAT,I couldnt hold back the growl that was threatening to come up,but it came up anyway and Slender just laughed,"your brother is very smart..........,"I looked at him and grabbed his tie,"HE IS NOT MY BROTHER.........not anymore,the Liu I knew,I killed him that night,he IS DEAD,"I looked at him and felt my blood lust coming up so I opened the door and ran downstairs out the door and I heard Ben,Laughing,Eyeless Jack,Sally,Masky,Hoodie,and Toby,were yelling after me but I ignored it and continued cause if I didn't I would hurt everyone or worse kill them.I ran into the city and hid where I usually do and waited for my latest victim to come and after a few minutes of waiting no one I got out of my hiding place and I made my way to some suburban neighborhood and found a house within minutes,it was a two story with the lights off and the house was perfect for my picking.(WARNING GORE UP AHEAD,BUT YALL DONT CARE)I walked to the back yard and noticed a dog house and on the house was the name 'FANG' in big bold letters and smiled and walked over and knocked on the roof and I then heard growling and I waited for the dog to come out but was greeted by a dog-rat-thing(its a Chihuahua of course but its Jeff so yeah) when it saw me it started to growl and bark but only got a yelp out as I stabbed its head and chuckled,"I hate dog-rat-things,"I walked over to the backdoor and opened it with ease,'Idiots,'I sang in my head as I walked over to the stairs I heard something and saw on the couch a pair of teens on each other,they were eating each others faces and I realized that the girl didnt have a shirt or bra on,I smiled and I walked over to them,"how about a threesome huh,"they turned around and the guy got off of her and she squeaked cause he was acually in her,I smiled then chuckled,"someone got busy,"he threw a punch but I dodged it and I took my knife out and stabbed him when he tried to throw another punch,he dropped to the floor and I grabbed the girl and I covered her mouth and I told her one thing,"stay here,"very sternly and I growled while saying it,she nodded and I went over to her phone and cut the wire then walked over to her lover and took out his phone and broke it along with hers and then walked to the stairs and stopped,"if you move Ill kill you,"she nodded and I walked up the stairs and into the master bedroom and saw two figures fast asleep,I walked over to the husband and got on top of him and covered his mouth,I then stabbed him in the neck,"go.to.sleep,"was all I said before the wife woke and saw her husband and I jumped on her and slit her throat,"go.to.sleep.bitch."I then carved smiles into them and walked out of there room and into the hallway and opened each door till I saw the little ones room and found a crib with a quiet little baby,I walked over to the baby and picked it up and walked down stairs carrying it in my arms and I then remembered her she was crying and I walked over to her and she looked at me and started to cry harder I laughed as she did so,"please Ill do anyhting.....PLEASE,"she screamed but I laughed harder and placed the baby on the floor and walked over to her and brought the knife down onto her neck and while she died I carved my signiture smile into her face,"GO TO FUCKING SLEEP,"I whipped the rest of the blood off my knife onto my pants and I turned around about to walk out when I heard the baby start to cry.I groaned as I had to pick up the kid and I didnt know what to do so I brought it home and I went through my window and then called Clocky she came in a few minutes later and I told her to watch it while I save Destiny and she didnt give a fuck as usaul because she was to busy cooeing over the little thing,I rolled my eyes and ran outside to see Ben,Laughing Jack,Eyeless Jack,Smile,and surprisingly Toby,Grinny,and Slendy,I smiled and I made sure that they would not make fun of me later or Ill kill them. 

We started to walk untill we saw the well and I stopped infront of it and waited for the rest of them to catch up,when they did I sighed,"If anybody says anything about this I will hurt you,"I said this and looked over at Toby,Ben,and Laughing Jack,"Oh,come on Jeffery we wont say a word,"L.J. says and crosses his heart and puts a hand behind his back,I rolled my eyes knowing he just crossed his fingers,"So who is jumping in first,"I turned to see Masky and Hoodie.WTF."what the fuck I didnt see you at the house and arent you supposed to be babysitting the Rookie,"Masky shook his head and turned to Slendy,"Go ahead,"was all he said and Masky put his hand through his dark brown hair and looked to me,"Look Jeff when you go down the well remember that you have to cover your eyes,this well will make you go more insane then you already are and you will probably kill her,it doesnt work for Slender or Laughing Jack,so do you have your mask,"he said the last part and I pulled out a sleep mask,it was the only thing I had besides my knife.I got on the wells edge and sat there for a moment and after a few minutes I put the sleep mask on and jumped in the well,I hit water after a moment of free falling,when I went into the water I started to swim down and after a few minutes I hit air I then took my mask off and swam for shore,when I got there I dried completely and I sat on the dead grass waiting for the rest of them,my phone rang and I opened it to see 'BEN' I clicked answer and green smoke came and I waited for him to fully get out of my phone and I slamed it shut when I saw his siloute,"Ben,"I said as I took out my knife and started to play with it slightly by just flinging it in the air and then catching it.

After everyone got onto the shore and immediately dried we began walking to my old place.

After a hour we found it and I stopped everyone at the gate,"Jeff what are you doing,"I looked over at Toby and I put my finger over my mouth to silence him and he did,surprisingly,I took my knife back out and opened the gate.When I did a spear was thrown from one of the nearby bushes,"DUCK,"I said and fell to the ground along with everybody else,"Jane needs to stop trying to kill you,"I looked over at yet again Toby,"nah,that would be to hard for her,and plus its fun to run from her."I laughed as I stood up and started to walk to the door and I then heard someone yelp,I turned around and saw no other than Hoodie,hanging upside down on a low hanging branch of the many trees in the yard,"Masky cut him down,"Masky sighed and walked over to Hoodie and took his knife out and cut him down,Hoodie fell on his head and groaned.I rolled my eyes and took Tobys axe from his belt and rang the door bell,"Jeff why did you........oh but can I have it back,"he said as he put his hand out and I gave it back.

Destiny POV

I was knocked out again and woke up in a chair that was very uncomfortable,I scratched myself with a nail twelve times,each time hearing Jane laugh,I hate her.I kept hearing walking go from the chair to where I keep hearing Jane and it sounds like Liu is growing impatient and its driving me crazy hearing his footsteps on the glass covered floor,"for fucks sake stop its extremely annoying,"I said and I heard the all to familiar sound of heels walk over to me and I was then punched in the face and I felt my lip split open and I could taste my blood,"oh SHUT UP,"she said as she walked back to where she once was.

Oh Jeff please hurry.

"What was that,"Jane said and Liu started to laugh,"Get your knives out Jane cause we have company."Jane clapped her hands and ran out the room and Liu walked over to me and took my hair from my eyes,"Guess what your lover is here so you make yourself look pretty.....but let me help you with that,"I heard him take something from his pocket and I then felt a burning sensation on my left check and again on my right,I didn't want to cry till I heard a doorbell,"we have company so shut up,"I didn't notice that I was whimpering until he backhanded me and I fell on the glass covered floor and the right side of my face started to feel as if it was on fire.

Jeff POV

The door opened and we all walked inside and I could smell Jane everywhere and it was disgusting,"JANE SHOW YOUR UGLY FUCKING FACE,"I then heard laughter come from the cobweb infested staircase,"Why Jeff is that how you greet your hostess,"I growled in frustration,"WHERE IS SHE JANE,TELL ME NOW SO I DONT HAVE TO KILL YOU,"I heard her giggle and within seconds she was behind me and she had her knife on my throat and I heard more laughter infront of me and in the doorway was no other than my dear-supposed to be dead-brother as he smiled at me and he took a step forward,"well,well,,well,look what we have here,"I looked around and saw that everyone else was gone,"Where are they,"I asked and I felt Jane tighten her grip on my neck and push down some more.


hey guys so yeah cliffhanger and hope you enjoyed


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