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Taehyung POV

I woke up feeling warm and safe. I try to move but I couldnt.  I open my eyes and found myself underneath someone. I was scare for a moment until I look up the face and remember Jungkook. All sodden I felt safe and happy. Could this be my new home? Could it be I fanilly found my.....


I felt Jungkook waking up. So, I pretend I was sleep. I felt something soft across my face. Then I felt sad, as he releases me and got up from the bed. I heard the door open then slowly been close.

I didnt know what to do. Should I stay in bed or should get up and fallow him. I turn and bury my face in his still warm pillow that Jungkook slept all night in. taking a long sniff from the pillow, I let my body relax as my mind was fill with his scent. Soon I find myself dream Land.

Jungkook POV

It 10:15 am, and it been more than two hours since I woke up. But there no sign or noise from upstairs. I was in my work room down stairs. I was beginning to worry about that boy. Why havent Taehyung waken up yet. Was he sick. I got up and wake out the room. as I get closer to the stairs, I heard a someone crying softly.  I run up the stairs to find Taehyung sitting on the floor in front of the stairs.

He looks up at me, all cover in tears. As he hugs his teddy bear.

I knee down and touch his hair "what happen munchkin? Why you sitting and crying up here"

"D-Da..."   "scare" as he points to the stairs.

"oh Tae-bear, why didnt you call me. I could get you and take you down stairs."

I lift him up and carry him down stairs. I wake to the sofa and lay him down. He smiles at me with a cute boxy smile, that I found adorable.

"bet your hungry"

He shyly nod  his head.

"wants some pancakes with strawberries on the side and milk."

He once again nod his head.

After a long while...

As I finish cleaning the dishes and the kitchen. I turn to see Taeyoung still sitting on the chair quietly playing with his bear.

I down know but something about him, make me want to pick him up and kiss him all over, specially those pink lips. I shake my head to clear my mind. Not the right thing to be thinking.

I walk to Taehyung and saw that his tee shirt was cover with syrup.

"Now is bath time. let get you upstairs."

I carry him all the way to his bedroom as I lay him on the bed, I notice the room looks boring with nothing on it. I never thought much about this room, but for someone like Taehyung this would be scary room to be in.

"stay here until I call you. Ok."

He once again shakes his head.

I went to the small bathroom connected to bedroom and fill the tub half way with water and drop some strawberry bubble bath that my nephew left last time he was here.

I call him to came in and then to take is clothes off.

He lifts his arms for me to help him. As I pull off the tee shirt, I notice how skinny he was. I could tell some old bruises on his rib side. I made me mad as hell, just seeing it. I finish taking his socks, then I turn around and told him to take his underwear off and get in the tub. Once I hear the water splash on the floor, I turn around and told him to call me once he finishes. I pick up the dirty clothes and carry out the bathroom and drop it in the hamper.

While Tae was in the tub, I began to fix his room. I took the small bag he brought and open it. it only had three tee shirts one in clear blue, another in white with an orange kitty on the front and a pink one with a white bunny on it. there was couple short jeans and some underwears and couple pair of socks in different colors. As I pull everything out I found in the corner of the bag a baby blue pacifier.

I pick it up and lay it on top of the dresser. Then I finish by fixing the bed with the pink fury blanket with the teddy bear on top of the pillows.

"kookie" came from the bathroom.

I took a towel and walk up to the tub. "ok, Tae-bear time to get out."

I Close my eyes as I heard him get out of the tub. Once I cover him with the towel, I pick him up and carry him to the bedroom.  I turn him around to give him more privacy, as I dry in up. There were more bruises all over his back. I dress him fast with the white with the orange kitty and one of the short jeans with some white socks.

As I turn him around, I saw his face sleepy.

why dont you lay down and take a nap

Taehyung slowly shakes his head, as I pull the pink fury blanket to side. So, he can lay on under it. once I cover him up I gave him his teddy bear. As he hugs him, he looks around and point to the dresser.


"oh, ok."

I cross the room and pick up the pinky and walk to the bathroom and wash it on the sink, then walk to the bed and gave it to him. The moment he put it on his mouth, he closes his eyes.

I walk out and turn the lights off.

"Sweet Dreams Little Tae-Bear."

!My Little Tae-Bear!
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