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Jungkook POV:.



Eight Months Pass.


I was having dinner with Namjoon. He just came back from London from seeing Jin and Taehyung. He been traveling back and forth this couple of months.


Nam: "you look skinnier. Don't tell me, now I have to worrying about you too.

"I'm fin. It just that I haven't had time for a proper meal this couple of days. Since you keep leaving me here with all the work, while you go see your boyfriend in London." I said, playfully.

Nam: "And who was the one that send me every two months, to go check on our boys."

"well, since Taehyung doesn't let me go see him. I can do nothing from here. That's why I had to send you. I need to make sure no one dares to get close to our boys." I said.

"Tell me about it. That why I propose to Jin this weekend. I want everyone to know that he is taken. That he is Mine." Said Namjoon with a smirk face.

"What! You finally propose to Jin. Took you long enough. Hahaha, Congratulations." I said all happy for my best friend. 

"Thanks. Well, with London full of beautiful man all over. I wasnt going to risk losing my Jin. It Bad enough that..." said Namjoon frowning. "It best not to tell him about Jimin and Tae for now."

"That what?" I said.


"Oh, nothing." Said Namjoon while turning to look at his food.


"Hmmm.... How is him?"


Nam: "Hes doing a lot better. Taehyung still shy around new people but is not like the beginning when we got there. When, not even Jin couldn't get to close to him. Now, he always following Jin around. He asks me about you this time. I told him that you were sad and lonely."


"Really, what did he say after that?" I ask


"He got quiet then left to his room. Jin told me that some nights Taehyung would fall asleep crying."


"Hmmm." I said, I feel sad. I wanted to be by his side so bad.


"So, how the project going for the new plan we have." Said Namjoon, trying to change the conversation.


"We continue talking for a while longer. After dinner, we each when home.



Three Days Later 


I was in the office Wednesday afternoon, when I receive an Email from my sister.


Dear Brother:

I known you been busy lately, but you can still can call or text me. but it OK, I forgive you. I just wanted to let you know that your little niece Rose was born last night. We will be waiting for you this weekend and no excused. I already talked to grandma and she expect you here no later than Friday evening. So, we see you this weekend. Oh, bring President Kim and dont forget my gifts.

Kiss, Kiss,

Park Jasmine



Oh, Noona, you never change. Oh well, I guess I dont have any choices.


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