Chapter 6

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Cand's POV

   " I wonder if Kate is gonna be okay, I literally just let my best friend leave with a total stranger." I inform Alex who is deep in  what I'm saying.

" Candy you were the one  who wanted her to get laid sooo..." "I know I know, but what if something happens to her!!"

  " Babe Kate is gonna be fine, the way you've been describing  Jared I know he wont hurt her but if you want to call her here's my phone."

  " Thanks.... Its going straight to voicemail. I hope she's okay Alex I dont know what I would do if something happened to her. "

"Candy, she'll be fine come on,  its your birthday. If you want we can have a couple more drinks and I'll take you home , cool?"

  "Yea," I just hope Kate's fine.


Kate's POV


  All I can hear is Candy calling out my name and banging down my door. 

"I'm up, I'm coming!!" I'm having a hell of a hang over right now.


  Jared's gone but it's  only 6:30 am I wonder what time he left.

  " Kate open the door!!!"

  "What the f**k Candy, the door's open, please stop shouting!!"

   I can hardly remember what happened last nightbut one thing u know for sure is i didn't have sex because, I know for sure that I  would be feeling sore. I look at the table and realise there's a cup of coffee, a glass of Orange juice with two pills. On a paper written beside them is the most perfect handwriting, "Drink me" , "Take me". Oooh there's a letter but before i can get the coffee Candy's already drinking it.

   " Really Candy, your such a pig," I laugh but forgetting my headache I quickly take the pills.

"Me, look at who's talking, your a mess babe, who made this coffee? " Candy replies.

  "Jared." From the minute I woke up I've been thinking about him.

  "Hey there's  a letter!!"

  "No shit Sherlock."

"Read it."

"Umm, what am I going to do drink it." I reply.

" You know Kate you have a very smart mouth I hope Jared has a good way of shutting you up." She says while taking the last sip of her coffee, well my coffee actually.
"Yea, yea what ever!" I unfold the letter.

Goodmorning Kate. Am sorry I left without saying anything but like everyone else I have work. I had a great time last night and i would love to meet you again and if you were wondering no we did but have sex and no I  did not touch you, but you look very beautiful in your sleep.

                         Yours truly,
                             Jared XOXO.

    My cell please call me.

  I didn't even realise I was reading the letter out loud because Candy is staring at me in awe but now its kinda creepy.

  "What are you staring at?"



    "Because your gonna get laid soon!!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2018 ⏰

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