Chapter 1) The Bands

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Dahvie's P.O.V.

  My eyes opened, and I ran downstairs. I couldn't wait to met Ronnie's sister, Nirvana Radke. Their parents had a bit of an obsession with Nirvana. The guys from Falling In Reverse and Escape the Fate, told us about how hot, and cool she was. I ran past a bathroom, and stopped dead in my tracks. I stepped back, and looked into the mirror. I let out a scream, and ran back to my room. Good thing I was on the 3rd floor out of 6 floors, so there was a huge chance they didn't hear me. I shut the door, and sighed. “I can't believe I was going to met Nirvana Radke looking like this!" I said, turning my straightener on. Thank God, for mirrors. I searched my closet, and just put on a random black T-shirt, and a pair of jeans. The T-shirt turned out to be a 'Satan Worships Me.' Perfect.

  I put on my eyeliner, and went through my hair. OK, now I can leave. I walked downstairs slowly. Until I got to the first floor.

~Andy's P.O.V.~

  I woke up to footsteps running past my room. I groaned, and searched my bed for Juliet, but she wasn't there. Uh, OK? I sat up, and lazily walked to my closet. I put on my ripped Batman tank top, and some black skinny jeans. My average outfit. I walked out, and banged on Ashley's bedroom door.

Black Veil Brides rooms, and recording studio is on the first floor. Asking Alexandria second floor. Blood On The Dance Floor third floor. Escape the Fate fourth floor. Falling In Reverse fifth floor, and Motionless In White sixth floor.

Ashley opened the door, with eyes closed. “What?" He groaned. “What?" I smirked back. “We're meeting Nirvana? Remember?" I asked. “Shit!" Ashley yelled, opening his eyes, and slamming the door. I smirked, and walked to Jake's room. When I put my fist up to knock, “I'm up!" Jake yelled. I smirked, and walked towards CC's room. I knocked, and waited. “Yes?" CC called. “Making sure you were up." I said, walking towards Jinxx's room. When he opened the door, all he did was nod, and shut his door.

~James's P.O.V.~

  Trust me, Asking Alexandria was already up, and eating breakfast with Falling In Reverse, and Escape the Fate, waiting for Nirvana. “So, Ronnie, how old is this sister of yours?" Danny asked. “2 years younger then m- DANIEL WORSNOP, DON'T EVEN THINK  ABOUT IT!" Ronnie yelled. Danny put his hands up, as if he was innocent. “He wants to." Ben whispered to Sam and I. We 3 laughed and nodded. I glanced up at the guys, who gave us questionable looks. I smiled, and shook my head. “So, how does she look?" TJ asked. Ronnie thought for a minute. “You'll see." He said.

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