Chapter 2) She's Here!

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Jayy's P.O.V.

I chilled in the couch, chilling. Just chilling. I felt someone set down next to me, and cuddle next to me. I pulled her closer, and smiled. “Hey, Monroe" She chuckled. “Hey, Olson." I smirked. Scarlet looked up at me, her blue eyes glittering. “Did you just call me Olson?" she smiled, jokingly. “I believe I did." I smiled back. “Jayy!" Ricky groaned, as I kissed Scalet.

~Josh's P.O.V.~

  “Your Balz better be up!" Chris joked, knocking on my door. I groaned and sat up. “I should be what?" I called out at him. “Shut up, get up." He said reciting Get Up! by Korn. I smirked and throw my blankets off. I got to my closet and put on a plain black T-shirt. “Josh!" I heard Ghost yell. “I'm up! I'm up!" I yelled, rolling my eyes. They act like I'm in 7th grade, and not waking up to go to school. But can I blame them? I hate mornings.

  I began to walk downstairs, and then run. I smelled bacon! I slipped on the first floor, and landed with a thud. “You OK?" A voice asked. I looked up, and realized that it was Andy Biersack's girlfriend, Juliet. She never talked to the other bands, just BVB. “Yeah, thanks." I said, as she helped me up. I waved and began to run again. I slipped on the last step, but S-A-V-E-D it! I walked into the main living room, and played cool. Damn this house is big.

33 rooms counting the recording studios all together. 7 rooms and a recording studio on the sixth floor. 5 rooms and a recording studio on the rest of the floors. Motionless In White has to go all the way upstairs. In every room, is a bathroom. There is a huge main bathroom downstairs, 4 or 5 kitchens, a huge library, and quiet a few living rooms. We. Are. Getting. An. Elevator. Please!

~Ronnie's P.O.V.~

  “Nirvana!" I yelled, hugging her. Nirvana's eyes dark brown eyes widen. “Ronnie?!" Nirvana yelled, hugging me back. “You haven't changed a bit! Well, besides all the new tattoos." I smirked. And it was true. Nirvana still had her perfectly straight black hair, dark brown eyes, skinny, and tall, but covered in a bunch of new tattoos. “Where's the guys? And how big is the FIR mansion?!" She practically yelled. “Of course! I forgot! Just don't faint, or fan girl. It freaks them out." I warned.

  “Ronald?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. I grabbed her hand and we ran into the house. “Rennie!" Ryan yelled hugging her. (Rennie is Nirvana's last name.) “Gummy bear buddy!" Nirvana yelled back. “Ana!" Jacky yelled hugging her. “Mohawk!" Nirvana chuckled. “Aaaaaaaanaaaaa!" Derek yelled, hugging her.“Deeeeeeeereeeeeeek!" Nirvana screeched.

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