The Beginning...the Calm before the Storm...

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In your LA mansion since you've woken up, you've eaten breakfast and now you're in the kitchen. You decide to call your best friend. "Heyy Hailee!!" Hailee: "Hey Girl! What you doin' today?" "Nothin really... probably gonna hang out around the house." Hailee: "Ohhh. Probably what I'm gonna do. So how was last night girl?" You laugh, "It was actually chill this time ya know.. but then this morning, he woke up on his Gorilla gene shit and he wasn't gon let me sleep through the morning." Bruno comes downstairs and smiles at you, "You talkin about me?" You roll you eyes, "Nahh I'm just on the phone with Hailee talkin about... my business." Bruno comes up behind you and holds your waist. Bruno: "But I heard you say gorilla gene so I knooooowwww you were talkin about me..." You shake your head and Hailee laughs on the phone. Bruno: "Well did you at least tell her how I know all my babygirl's sweet spots?" "Well I mean, she can hear you, so I don't have to tell her." Hailee: "HEYY BRUNO!" Bruno grabs the phone, "Hi and bye Hailee, she'll call you later when I'm done with her." Bruno hangs up quickly. You laugh, "Wow you just can't get enough huh?" Bruno grabs you by the waist and picks you up, "Hell nahhh." You both laugh and kiss as he takes you upstairs. Once y'all get into the bedroom, he lays you down on the bed and starts to kiss your neck. You put your fingers through his hair as he moves from one side of your neck to the other. He then kisses you continuously as he moves down to your stomach. You moan a little as you feel his breath hovering over one of your sweet spots he was talking about. He pulls off your lace underwear with his teeth and once those are off.. he begins to spread your legs open. You look down at him and he smiles until he begins to please you with his soft lips and tongue in places you didn't even think he could get to. You start to bite your lip as if you can't take anymore, moaning and calling out his name, you then try to bring your weak legs closer together, but he's got them in his tight grip. You cling to the sheets for dear life and start to arch your back and he hasn't even gotten to the best part. He comes back up and you kiss him passionately before pushing him next to you and getting on top of him. You then kiss him on his neck and all over his chest. Bruno smiles and bites his lip, "Mmmmm." You smile as you pull down his underwear just enough to reveal his package, "Oooo... he's ready for more attention huh?" Bruno nods as he takes off his underwear. You grab Bruno's package and start to move your hand in a up and down motion. Bruno throws his head back as you begin to put it in your mouth. Bruno: "Yeaaahhhh...Mhmm" You start to go faster as he thrusts his hips. Bruno: "Fuuucccckkkk." Bruno looks like he's had enough and can't take it. Before you know it, Bruno yanks you up and throws you on your back, "Imma get in this." He starts to kiss you again as he spreads your legs open to get inside you. You gasp and grab his forearms as he thrusts his hips towards you over and over, harder and harder. He starts to kiss your neck as you scratch his back. Out of all the times he's done you this morning, this has gotta he the best one yet....
Later that day...
Hailee texts you:
Don't forget to do that trick I told you, that'll put him right to sleep.
You end up replying an hour later:
Ohhh I definitely did that trick girl. And now he is knocked out- FINALLY.
Hailee replies:
Welp, if y'all keep going at it like this, you might just get knocked up with little Mars babies that'll soon be waddling around
You laugh and reply:
Guuurrrlll don't jinks it!

3 weeks later....
Bruno has left for the studio while you relax at home. You haven't been feeling quite well these past couple days, but Bruno believes it's probably a stomach bug...but you feel like it's definitely not that. You throw up that morning after Bruno leaves and you can't take it anymore- you've gotta find out what's going on. You leave to go pick up some things from the store and once you make it home, you immediately call Hailee. "HAILEE. I need you to come over ASAP." Hailee: "Ok ok, I'm coming, what's wrong? Everything ok?" "Just come NOW."
Moments later, Hailee makes it to your place. Hailee: "Soo boo, what's up?" You start to get nervous, "Ummm ok so you know how Bruno and I have been going at it.. LIKE HARDCORE lately?" Hailee laughs, "Yes... what's wrong? Is your vagina ok?" You laugh, "Yes girl, it's fine, but umm... I've been feeling sick to my stomach for the past couple weeks..." Hailee: "And... you might be tryna come down with something!" "No no... I also missed my period for this month, but I didn't tell Bruno. So I started thinking and ya know, Bruno and I don't use protection at the I got these pregnancy tests just to see.."Hailee: "OHHH MY FREAKIN WORD, YOU'RE PREGNANT GIRL!!" "Well... we don't know that yet. I just need to take this and have a moment of truth." Hailee: "GURRLLL- I am the test *feels your belly* you're pregnant." "Stop ok. I'm gonna go take this and I'll be back." You go into the bathroom and sit on the toilet. "Well... I guess I gotta do this..." You take a deep breath and pull out a stick to pee on. *10 minutes later* Hailee grows impatient, "Ummm are you done yet??" You look at all 3 tests sitting on the counter, "Yes... I'm done, you can come in." Hailee runs to the bathroom and comes in, "What does it say?!?!" You look down, "I don't know..." Hailee: "Oh damn, you took 3... you weren't kidding. Uhhh ok, well let me see these things." She grabs the tests and reads them. Hailee: "OHHHH MYYYY GOSH!!" You look up and it hits you, "Ahhh shit. That damn man got me pregnant!" Hailee: "I KNEW YOU WERE PREGNANT!!" Hailee screams, grabs your hand and jumps up and down. Hailee then looks at you, "Aren't you excited?" "Yes... and no." Hailee: "What do you mean yes and no?" "I mean this is all crazy like... I'm gonna be a freakin mom to Bruno's baby." You tear up. Hailee: "Aww girl... you gotta tell him.. like NOW." You wipe your tears away, "Girl what am I supposed to say??" Hailee: "Umm Bruno you know how we've been having crazy sex these past weeks... we'll your pull out game got weaker and weaker, and you ended up getting me pregnant." Hailee smiles. "Yeeeaaaahhh totally, or I can say, Babe, guess what? I'm pregnant!" You then grab your phone and start to call Bruno. Hailee: "Or say that and make it less dramatic...*rolls eyes*" "Oh hush girl... OH, he picked up- SHH. Heyy Babe!" Bruno: "Heyy babe, what you doin?" "Nothing, just with Hailee at the house." Bruno: "Ohhh ok that's what's up. I'm still at the studio with the boys." "Ohhh well I just wanted to tell you, you know how we've been having crazy sex these past few weeks?" Bruno: "Yes babygirl, but I was thinking we could change it up and do that thing we do but in the movie room this time ya know since.." "*speaks fast* B, I MISSED MY PERIOD AND... I'M PREGNANT." Bruno: "Wait... WHAT?!" "I'm pregnant Bruno!!!" Bruno: "BABY... You sayin you havin my baby?!? All that crazy, kinky, hot sex and you're telling me we were going THAT crazy and now you're PREGNANT?!?" "YES BRUNO! I'm having your baby and ALLLL that sex paid off!" Bruno: "HOLY SHIT BABYYY!!! We havin a baby!!" You tear up, "Yes Bruno." Bruno: "I'm on my way home right now! We gotta celebrate!" "No no, you go on ahead and finish working and we'll celebrate when you get home." Bruno: "You sure? And can I tell the boys??" "I'm sure, now go on ahead and tell the boys, Hailee and I are gonna chat for a while, love you baby!" Bruno: "Alright, love you sooo much babe. *turns away from phone* AYE BOYS, IMMA BE A DADDY!!" You hang up, and turn to Hailee. You both scream and celebrate.
(Summary of what's been happening since you found out you were pregnant)
So you and Bruno have been together for quite some time, y'all had the wedding of y'all's dreams and then after the honeymoon stage (2 years) you're finally pregnant and ready for the family to expand with the man you've loved since you've laid eyes on him. Although, since the pregnancy, you and Bruno haven't been intimate and Bruno is always in the studio... more than usual lately, while you're at home, 8 month pregnant, and already big enough to pop, but obviously the baby's not ready to come out just yet. Before the pregnancy, it was always a hard days work for him, then he would come home to a home cooked meal that you and him would share. Then he would turn on some sensual music and he'd take you by your tiny hands and hold you while y'all dance the beginning of the night away. He'd always whisper softly in your ear, "I just wanna do you right, that's all babygirl... you know I love you right?" And you know in the back of your head that, that was the cue that it was that kind of night. You would then move your arms and wrap them around his neck and say, "Ohh Babe, I know you love me, but did you know I love you more.." and saying that, you know it'll make him want to take you right upstairs and tear you up, and that's exactly what happened, which is why you ended up pregnant- not only that, but pregnant with a little Bruno... yes you're having a boy!!
But now... since you're having mood swings and you easily get upset of every little thing, he's been out in the studio for longer hours just to let you have your "me time." And now after a long day's work, he comes home, kisses you and asks how you are and the baby, and y'all watch a movie together then you guys go right to sleep. Also, now that you're practically 10x bigger, he gives you your space especially in bed. He even talks less so y'all won't get into arguments. You really want to talk to him about all of this, but you're just... afraid to. As the days and weeks go by, you're close to ending your third trimester- you have less than 3 weeks until your bundle of joy comes into the Hernandez family. One day, you snap at Bruno because he left his shoes by the bathroom door and you tell him that you could've fell and lost the baby and basically made a big deal out of it, so Bruno gets up, moves the shoes and says he's going to meet Phil at the studio. You feel bad as he leaves, not kissing you, holding you, not even saying I love you before he walks out.... you know exactly who to go to for help, Hailee.

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