Chapter Six: Exposed

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Charlottes POV

"Ugh, why are we walking through the middle of the woods again?" Brian muttered from behind me.

"You know the reason I've told you five times, those kids are going to get themselves in trouble, we both heard them." I snapped at him. I'd over heard the group of kids that we met a few days ago. They were just as interested in the supernatural as us but they were apparently willing to do a lot more about it then we were. We'd both overheard them today when they were talking about coming back to Vesuvius after dark. We'd been walking around the woods for two hours now trying to find them so we could talk them out of it.

"We aren't going to find them. They probably chickened out and went back to their hotel." Brian suggested. I knew he wanted to go home, and I understood I really did. I sighed heavily, maybe he was right. I couldn't shake the feeling though that there was more to those kids then they were telling us. They had seemed so desperate to find the phoenix today and there was no way it was just to prove that Theo kids dad right. I sighed again, ready to turn around and head back when a loud barking sounded from where up ahead.

"What was that?" I questioned curiously heading forward through the trees. I clearing opened up ahead and I settled in the bushes at the edge of it. I gestured for Brian to follow. I turned back to the clearing when there was a suddenly there was a blinding flash. I blinked the light out of my eyes and gasped in shock. In the clearing ahead of us a giant flaming bird towered over eight different animals.

"Oh my god." Brian breathed in disbelief. "I knew it." I saw the grin spread across his face as he fumbled in his bag, taking out his camera and switching it on to video. "Forty years and we finally got our proof."

"Shhh." I whispered, something's happening. The flames on the bird died out leaving brilliant orange and red feathers behind. Glowing even in the dark. I shivered in awe as I gazed at the beautiful bird.

"So, young shifters." The phoenix began. "What message do you wish to convey to the phoenix's?" Shifters.... was he talking about those animals? I wondered to myself. My eyes widened in shock as the animals one by one began shifting into humans. It took me a moment to register but I realized with a jolt they were the kids from before. We watched in shock as that kid Dylas stepped forward about to speak when Sasha interrupted.

"Do you guys smell that?" She asked cautiously. I felt the blood drain from my face and I glanced at Brian. He looked just as scared as I was. "Humans." She growled.


Iris' POV

Dylas' bark through my dream and I shot quickly to my paws. I barely had time to register what was happening before there was a blinding light. I opened my eyes and took a step back in shock as I took in the giant bird in front of me. Completely ablaze and staring at us with intense orange eyes.  After a few moments the flame died down leaving an array of beautiful orange and red feathers. I stiffened as the phoenix opened its mouth to speak.

"So, young shifters." It's voice smooth and silky. So unlike the flame that had encased it just moments before. "What message do you wish to convey to the phoenix's?" We quickly shifted and Dylas stepped forward and opened his mouth to speak but Sasha interrupted him before he could get the chance.

"Do you guys smell that? Human." I paused and sniffed the air. She was right. Suddenly I heard a rustling sound and footsteps stumbling away.

"Shit. Dan?" I glanced at him and be nodded. We both shifted and took off towards the smell. It was over in seconds. We saw the two people and pounced, careful not to hurt them. I glanced down at the human beneath my paws. It was Brian. I knew I'd recognized the smell. I growled in frustration and Brian flinched beneath me. I snorted in exasperation and looked at Dan, snorting loudly to indicate I was going to shift back. He growled softly back and tiltled his head to ask if he should too but I shook my head. He nodded. I quickly shifted back and got off Brian. Immediately he got up to run but I growled angrily at him.

"Take one step and I'll shred you. You can't outrun us." I growled. He turned around slowly to face me.

"What are you going to do to us?" He asked shakily. I sized him up.

"For now you'll come with us." I stated simply.

"And you expect us to listen?" Charlotte squeaked out. "You don't scare us."

"Honey don't provoke the bear lady." Brian muttered at her. I growled and put my hands to my back, concentrating to let my hidden weapons become visable. I grabbed the two swords and pulled them from their sheaths. Twirling them in my hands and pointing one in Charlottes direction. Letting ice creep up the blades.

"If you aren't afraid of me or my friend here in our animal forms. I could always run you through with my swords." I hissed. Charlotte paled and kept her mouth shut. "Let her up." I ordered Dan. He climbed off of her but kept close just incase she ran. I could see the glimmer of amusement in his eyes. He knew how hard I was trying to sound threatening. I gestured with my head for the two to move and fell into step behind them.

We entered back into the clearing where everyone was waiting. Dylas raised his eyebrows in question when he saw my swords out. I gave him a look that told him to play along.

"Dan, Sasha, guard the prisoners, don't let them get away, we'll deal with them afterwards." I ordered. Dan gave her a slight not and she quickly shifted, stalking over to stand next to Charlotte and Brian. There was an amused rumble from the phoenix on front of me.

"I was under the impression that you were the leader here, young alpha." It purred in laughter.

"We're mates." Dylas stated firmly. "We lead together or not at all." I smiled and stepped up next to Dylas. I couldn't shake the feeling however that I wasn't made for leading a pack.

"I think we have much to discuss. It's not often anyone seeks the help of my kind. Especially not such young shifters such as yourselves."

"You're right we do need your help." Dylas agreed, launching into the story.


I could see the horror and shock growing on Charlotte and Brians faces as Dylas explained the impending war to the phoenix. I tried not to think about what we'd do with them after we finished talking to the phoenix. My attention slipped back to the phoenix as Dylas finished the explination.

"Well now." The phoenix paused contemplating all he had just heard. I held my breath waiting quietly. After what seemed like ages he started again. "I am not the leader of my people. Though I know her well I cannot make decisions for her. Am I correct in assuming you will waste no time searching for more allies after leaving here tonight?" The phoenix inquired. Dylas nodded quietly. The phoenix paused again contemplating his next words. "I shall go to my leader and relay the information. Whether she will agree or not I cannot say and I will not raise your hopes. My sister is not a fan of war and prefers to lead our people in peace. We are fewer then most and do not wish to lesson our numbers. However I believe that joining you will be for the greater good, we live in a corrupt world and there is no need to add to what is already broken. I will try and persuade my sister in your favour. She has seen far more war then I have and does not wish to see more. My sister has led my people peacefully for five thousand years, and we might just have to fight for the right to keep that peace." He straightened up and shook out his feathers. "I will send word of our decision to your alpha at your base." Flames began engulfing the bird covering his feathers till he was completely on fire. "Goodluck on your search, and don't go too hard on those humans. If they're smart, they will keep their mouths shut." There was another flash. I shielded my eyes, when I opened my eyes the phoenix's feathers were jet black. It spread it's wings and shot into the sky, disappearing into the darkness of the night.

I'm going to be attempting to update once a week. I'm going to try Fridays as a date this time around let's just hope that the writers block doesn't come back. Anyway see you next Friday.

- Polar

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