Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen


As I soak in my huge bath, I think about all the things Georgina told me about myself. Apparently I get up at six in the morning to go for a two hour run at the gym. There's no way that I'll be doing that anymore. She told me that all of us 'BW's' (Business Wife's) I know, how ridiculous, don't say anything when we're at party's. Apparently we're there only to look good on our husbands arms. She's seems perfectly fine with that. Hah, over my dead body am I going to stand there swooning over Liam like some little prostitute.

After fiddling with my hair for almost twenty minutes, I finally decided to give up and leave my natural curls hang loose down my back.

Liam has organised for all of our 'friends' and Liam's parents to come over to the house for a what he calls a 'small get together'. Quite frankly, I'm shitting myself. This is the first time that I'm going to meet my husbands parents. Well, not literally, but in my head it is. I wonder if their nice. They probably will be. Hopefully.

The dress that I picked out for the dinner party is hanging from the top of one of the wardrobes. I chose a dress that clings to your body nicely. It's an all black cocktail dress with thin spaghetti straps that cross over my back. It looks really nice but it's not something that I would normally pick out. To be honest, half of my clothes in my wardrobe are quite bland and boring.

"Rosie are you ready? The guests are starting to pull up outside." I hear Liam call from in the bedroom.

"Just a minute!" I'm trying to get the bloody dress over my head but it won't go over. It's like a frigin morf suit.

My body is starting to sweat and I can feel myself starting to get stressed. I wiggle around the room, trying to fit into the silk dress.

"Wha-" I peek out one of the arms in the dress and see Liam standing in the doorway of my dressing room.

I thought he would start laughing or something or maybe make a joke out of it but he doesn't. He sighs and shakes his head.

"Can you hurry up? Victoria and Daniel have arrived." He walks out of the room without even trying to help me. I clench my teeth together, trying to stop myself from calling him an arsehole.

Eventually I squeeze into the silk dress and fluster over to the mirror. I don't look as bad I thought I did, I just need to fluff up my hair and add a little more foundation and I'll be ready to go.

I quickly make my way down the stairs and find a group of smartly dressed people gathered around the water fountain. There's violins playing in the background and the lights have been set medium low. I can't see a bloody thing.

As I walk down the last two steps, I trip over something and nearly fall flat on my face. I look around and pray to God no one saw me and smooth out the uncomfortable dress.

Liam turns around from the chattery group and he smiles a nervous smile at me. "Hello darling! It's lovely of you to join us!" I can tell he's being sarcastic.

"Hiya, sorry, I was having a little trouble with the dress." I smile weakly. "It's a bit. . . fimbily."

He doesn't seem to be listening and ushers me into to the growing cluster of people. I get a lot of hi's and hello's, but I haven't got a clue who any of these people are. Their complete strangers.

A woman who looks exactly the same as Georgina flings her bony arms around me. "Darling! It's so nice to see you again! How are you? Can you remember me? It's Chantelle. Remember?" She's so in my face she may as well be stuck to me.

I smile awkwardly at her and say "No, sorry. I don't remember anyone here at all."

"Oh my god! That's terrible! What about Liam?! Do you not remember him?!"

I shake my head and grab a glass of wine that was standing on a tray that a waiter was carrying around.

"No." I shake my head and somehow mange to get away from her. For the next twenty minutes I'm passed around the room by people I don't recognise at all. Not one of them looks familiar.

I stand on my tip toes and look around the room for Liam like a meerkat. I finally spot him and wind through the crowd of people until I reach him. I pull his arm and make him turn around.


I raise my eyebrows in surprise. "I just wanted to ask when the food was coming out but I guess it doesn't matter."

He seems surprised that I actually stood up to him and raises his eyebrows. "Stop embarrassing yourself." He hissed as his glances around to see if anyone is listening, but their not.

"Me embarrassing myself?!" He takes hold of my wrist and pulls me out of the cluster of chattering people.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you acting like this? You would normally be over there talking with Georgina and the other girls."

"Well this is me talking to you now Liam. Don't you dare speak to me like that."

He rolls his eyes and sighs. "Fine, I'm sorry. I'd didn't mean to snap. I'm just a little stressed lately with the new department being launched and everything." He runs a hand up my arm and I want to pull away, but I don't. "Let's just go and enjoy the party okay? C'mon." He takes my hand and leads me back through the crowd to a smartly dressed, snobby looking couple.

Shit. It's them. It's Liam's bloody parents. We're getting closer and closer and their looking snobbier and snobbier.

"Mum! Dad! It's lovely to see you!" Liam kisses his mother on the cheek and shakes his fathers hand, but they don't seem pleased.

"Rosie this is my Mum and Dad, and obviously you know who Rosie is." He laughs nervously and glances at me.

"It's lovey to meet you." I smile at them and lean in to give his mum a hug but she looks away and turns her nose up. "I uh, I hope you like the party." I clear my throat and turn to Liam. "I'm going to uh, go to the toilet." I smile awkwardly at them and turn away.

*. *. *.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2014 ⏰

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