Chapter 44 - Again

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Cameron's POV

"Cameron, take your seat here," Bart desperately said. I looked up at him, dollar signs flooded his pupils. I sighed then brushed past him. I looked at the metal chair that had my name plastered on it. I closed my eyes. This life was all too stressful. The screaming fans would blow my eardrums; the happiness would flood my head.

A body brushed beside me. I didn't take notice; I was too busy thinking about Amara. Was she okay? Was she pregnant? Or just sick? Then the word stuck in my mind. Sick.

It all made sense. The vomiting and the way she appeared thinner. The way she was fragile all the time, especially the one night; and mainly, her bipolar mood. It came back. I face palmed myself not realizing the symptoms.

I always treated her like a princess. I knew she was passing at a faster rate than the rest. I wanted her to feel special; I wanted her to feel unique.

"Cam? Why are you shaking?" Nash asked. I'm assuming he was the mysterious body.

"N-nothing," I stuttered. I sat down in the chair that beheld my name. My elbows were placed on my knees, my hands cupped my face. My breathing increased and a few tears slipped out if my eyes. They more like poured.

"Cameron," Nash sat down beside me in another metal fold up chair. His hand touched my back delicately. "Please."

I gently lifted my head out of my hands. I didn't need a mirror to tell my face was all blotchy from the tears. "Nash, she's gone."

His eyes widened. I knew he cared about her about as much as I did. He always had. "What?" He choked.

"Her gastric cancer came back," I sighed. I put my head back into my hands.

"She had cancer?" Nash yelled.

"Yeah, when she was younger. At age seven she was diagnosed. It’s a genetic thing, it’s mainly common in adults, but for some reason she got it early. They did radiation on her and it supposedly took it all away-,"

"Isn't it gone then?" Nash interrupted.

"Nash, all the symptoms came back, it must've came back," I raised my voice. "It had to have come back." Nash's eyes turned a dark blue, the color completely drained from him. I sat there staring into space. My life was now a can, and it had met the crusher in the recycling truck.

I closed my eyes. What was even the point to life? I spent over ten years trying to make Amara feel like the most perfect girl in the world. With guts I never thought I had, I even took her virginity. She probably would have never lost it due to her shy, dying self.

"Okay, I'm not trying to be mean here, but why aren't you going to save her. If it came back take her to the hospital," Nash spoke up. "I mean if she's dying, do you want to sit here and cry? Or do something about it?"

I looked over at Nash with wide eyes. I honestly hated when he was right. I stood up and wrapped my arms around Nash. I was attempting to not make the hug awkward. "Nash, even though you love her too, thank you for being here for me," I told him.

I turned around and immediately walked down the stairs of the stage. I confidently walk towards the doors; fans swarmed me.

"Cameron!" I turned, it was Bart. I rolled my eyes, taking on Amara's actions. "Where are you going?"

"To help my girlfriend!" I yelled back. A few fans awed some developed a disgusted face. Bart looked at me as if I was crazy.

"You have to do a show!"

"You know what? All you care about is the damn money! I quit!" I yelled then stormed through the fans. My head started to pump. I just quit the only thing I looked forward to every month. But, then again, I was being used.

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