Chapter Eighteen

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Tywin sat in his study as he worked on a few scrolls in front of him. His job wasn't easy, as he had a lot to do. Not only did he have to essentially rule the kingdoms, but he also had to win this idiotic war. Not only that, but he had to deal with all the plots and plans that ran abundant in the city.

Tywin was so focused on his work, that it faintly startled him when the door to his study burst open. It was not often that anyone dared enter a room he was in without being called upon or announcing their presence. However, it was a surprising sight to behold as Tywin looked upon a fuming Anari Stark.

The young woman at least had the decency to shut the door behind her before stalking forward with a hard look on her face and an icy glare in her eyes. Had Tywin been a lesser man, he may have found himself intimidated under her intense gaze.

"Lord Tywin," she said, her voice barely contained a snarl as she regarded the man before her. As angry as she was, Anari knew she had to be careful. He was a dangerous man; she had no idea what he was capable of.

"Lady Anari," he greeted as he set his quill down to give her his full attention. "I must say it is a surprise to see you here." He hadn't thought to speak to the young woman at all, so he was genuinely curious as to what prompted this unannounced visit.

"Tell me now," Anari began. "Are you behind this?"

"Behind what?" Tywin questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Marrying my sister to Lord Tyrion," Anari replied.

"Don't pretend that you weren't part of the plans to marry her to Ser Loras," Tywin replied as he regarded her carefully. His words garnered no reaction from her, which he found curious. "I'm doing this to secure the North, or haven't you figured that out yet?" He questioned.

Tywin had heard about what Anari had been doing. He figured the young woman was smart enough and mature enough to handle the truth. While she showed her youth by storming into his office, she was obviously holding herself back and still reigning in her temper.

She showed that while young, Anari knew how to control herself. Tywin could see that Anari was no fool; after all, she chose to go to him with this matter and not anyone else. Anari knew that he was the one behind this, which showed she was cunning herself.

"My brother will never yield to you or to anyone," Anari replied. "He is the King of the North, my Lord. Marrying Sansa to Lord Tyrion changes nothing."

"Careful," Tywin warned. "That may be, but his days are numbered as we speak," he replied. "Your brother has lost half his army, it's only a matter of time before he falls."

Again, Anari gave no outward reaction to his words. The thought of Robb dying hurt, however, she knew better than to let him see he was getting to her. Giving him an inch meant he would win, and Anari couldn't have that.

Though, her mind worked as she continued to stare Tywin down. "If my brother is to die, then the North goes to me, not my sister," she stated. Suddenly, it became clear that instant. There would be no getting out of this without there being a wedding. However, Anari knew she could get Sansa out of it. "Take me instead," she said. "Marry me to Lord Tyrion, not my sister."

Tywin regarded her carefully, slightly surprised by her request. Anari hid a smirk at seeing that she had genuinely caught Tywin Lannister off guard for a moment. However, before he could speak, Anari continued.

"The North goes to me if my brother falls," Anari said. "I am of marrying age, and the heir to Winterfell. It would be in your best interest to have Lord Tyrion marry me instead. In place of my mother and father, I am Sansa's guardian; therefore she must stay with me wherever I go. In marrying me off, you still have both of your hostages."

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