Chapter Twenty Eight

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As they got closer to the Eyrie, their party dismounted. Instead, Anari and Sansa walked on either side of Lord Baelish. During their travels, Anari had adopted a simpler look in terms of hairstyling. Two large sections of her hair were braided together and tied in the back to ensure they wouldn't hinder her sight.

Sansa opted for an even simpler look, having braided her hair into one large plait. Soon enough, after hiking up the trail for some time, the three of them saw the first guard. "Pull up your hoods," he instructed them booth quietly. "A memorable shade." He said as he reached up to gently touch Anari's hair.

"How would they even know?" Anari questioned, raising an eyebrow. Anari was tired; she'd been feeling more fatigued as the days passed; however, she ignored the feelings for the most part. She was still under quite a bit of stress, so that probably explained it.

"Do you know what kind of stories poor men enjoy the most?" He questioned in return. "The ones that are about rich girls they'll never meet." Lord Baelish was no stranger to these tales and stories told by others. When he had been a boy, he used to dream of pretty rich girls. Girls who would never give him the time of day, let alone allow him to look at them.

Now, here he was, a Lord with two pretty rich girls on either side of him. With a small shared glance, Anari and Sansa did as he said and lifted their hoods to cover their hair. "Is this the only way into the Eyrie?" Sansa questioned as they continued to walk.

"The mountains are impassable," Lord Baelish replied. "If you want to get into the Eyrie, you need to go through the Bloody Gate." As they walked further, the path seemed to become closer together and rockier. "It doesn't matter how large your army is, if you attack the gate, you do it on this road. It only allows for three men to stand next to each other, and all of them would be slaughtered like goats if they tried it."

If what he was saying was true, then the Eyrie was definitely an advantage point. Hopefully, they would be safe here. If they remained in the Eyrie then perhaps Anari would be able to get some sort of news about Tyrion. She always kept an ear out for his name or the various, vulgar, monikers people had dubbed him with.

News was news, no matter how terrible it may be. Anari needed to know whatever she could. There was hardly a moment where she didn't think about him. Even though he was trapped in King's Landing, she hoped against all hope that he was somehow alright. If she stayed in one place long enough, then perhaps, if he somehow managed to be released one way or another, Tyrion would be able to find her.

"The first Lords of the Bale didn't have much," Lord Baelish said as he continued his lesson. "But they had these mountains, and they knew how to use them." He smirked faintly. "Know your strengths, use them wisely and one man can be worth-"

"Who would pass the Bloody Gate?" The main guard called out.

Anari had actually wished Lord Baelish had been able to continue. She was actively listening to this lesson, as she may be able to use it later. Thinking about it, Anari tried to list off her strengths. She had a strong resolve, she was a quick learner, and she had learned how to fight, not only with words but with a sword.

"Lord Petyr Baelish," he replied back. For a brief moment, Lord Baelish glanced at the girls before back to the guard. "And with me are my nieces, Lina and Alayne." With only a moment's hesitation, the guard nodded and allowed them to pass.

"Welcome back, Lord Baelish," the guard replied as they were allowed through the gates. Lord Baelish lead the girls into the castle and towards what Anari assumed was the throne room. The Eyrie was vastly different from Winterfell and King's Landing. The space was more open, having two curved staircases on either side of the throne and many different walkways for people to get by.

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