0.2 Assignment

489 22 2

'Describe your partner's traits and personality.'

Januar stares at the question in front of him, his finger keeps playing with the pen. He looks up from his paper, finding the girl in facing him still focused on her own paper, her forehead wrinkled as if she's thinking so hard about it. Both Januar and Kara got assigned as each other's partner for Social Psychology class, a general elective they both choose because 'it seems like a fun subject to learn' (Kara), and 'they say it's easy to get A' (Januar). None of them are psychology students, so they actually have no idea about what psychology is beyond the reach of google.

Kara's nose scrunched as her eyes still fixated on her paper, the same paper as Januar's with the same question written there. 'Describe your partner's traits and personality'. Okay, so Januar is ... a guy (yes Kara, of course everyone knows that). He is a third year student, just like her. The difference is he's in an art major, while hers is health-related. They both joined the same performance art club in university, that's how they met each other. He is the director of this year's show, in which Kara is one of the staff.

Wait, Kara told herself. Wasn't this supposed to be about traits and personality? But every description she has been coming up with sounds like a random general trivia about Januar. Nothing to describe who he is as a person, which is the whole point of this assignment. Who is Januar Adithya, the guy that is sitting in front of her on a wooden bench in the outer corner of computer lab, right under the yellowing tree?

Kara looks at Januar, who is currently opening his laptop. Perhaps he's about to start typing his own assignment: his description of Kara. Wait, what is he going to write about? she tought. Probably 'Karenina is a small timid girl who likes to think of something random', or something along the line. She still remembers the way he laughed one night, when she told him about the question she just came up with in her head. When asked his answer was, "Your mind is really something, Karenina." before proceeding with her real question. Januar always likes to call her with her full name, Karenina. She doesn't understand why. Wouldn't it be easier to just call her Kara? Like, shorter and simpler?

Focus, Kar!

Okay, so Januar. Januar is a nice guy. He never goes out of his way to be looked. Like, when this year's show election came up, he actually did not want to be the director. Their seniors have to talked with him a couple of times before he finally gave in and stepped up to the role. But Karenina totally admits, no one in their year suits this role more than Januar. He is, hands down, one of the most responsible guy she ever known. He always brush it off though. "I am just the lucky one that get to be the sacrificial lamb." he told her one day, in his usual sarcastic tone. She never understood why, what's the reason behind his dark bitter undertone everytime someone says something nice about him. He really is a nice person though, and Kara wishes Januar could see that.

"What are you looking at?" Januar peeked just behind his laptop, caughing Kara redhanded.

"Nothing." she replied quickly, shifting her focus back on her own paper.

Januar just chuckled seeing her expression. Just a typical Karenina. One minute she looks at him with a lot of curiosities in her eyes, and the next seconds she turns back into the quiet and collected girl. How she is capable of having all these expressions at once is something Januar finds to be amusing. Now, he knows what's the first line of his assignment is going to be.

'Karenina Anjani is an interesting girl with many facets.'


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