No 3

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No 3

"Miss Flynn!?" The woman at the front shouted out. "Yes Ma'am!" Flynn shouted back on her loudest. It was warm, humid and hell. Well that was what it was to Flynn. Her throat was sore due to the screaming above 400 other recruits. It was almost a week being part of the military and she still didn't know alot of people. In the mornings she wouldn't have alot of time to greet anyone. After the first three hours of training they'd get breakfast then train more and then lunch and then train more. By the time 'personal' time starts she was done for. She'd literally walk into her dorm sleep get up have dinner, shower and sleep till the next morning. Somehow she hated every part of military sofar. She disliked the fitness trainers, she disliked the sargent, she disliked the food, the bed and the mud. She just hated mud and now she had to splash and crawl through it everyday.

The girl in front of her suddenly fell to the ground. Instinctively Flynn bend down and put her head on her lap. "Someone get me some water!" she shouted. Everyone around her looked at her as if she was crazy for doing such a thing while the commander was speaking. A few seconds past and the medical team arrived lifting the girl onto a stretcher. Flynn who was somehow still distracted stood up and saw the Commander standing right in front of her looking really angry. "Is there any specific reason why you can't understand the definition of STANDING STILL?!?!" Flynn bit her tongue back. "IS THERE?!" "No ma'am" "Good then you and the 6 behind you. Do a good 55 push-ups and when your done we will Continue this meeting". Flynn could hear the sighs behind her someone cussing a few rows in front of her. "Does anyone feel this is unfair?" Commander asked looking straight into Flynns eyes. Silence. "Drop and give me 55." Flynn quickly glansed over her shoulder and saw a few tired, irritated, sunburnt faces. They all dropped and started but the one farest from her was the one who caught her attention. She dropped and started doing the push-ups. Somehow through the push-ups the heat and heavyweights in her arms she couldn't get the image of that guy out of her head.

"Hank you still have some cigarettes?" Hank looked up from where he sat against the wall. It was just before bedtime. "Yea, Here" Taking out a cigarette he gave it to Tom who looked at him as if a terrorist was sitting next to him. "Why are you so...lonesome?" Hank looked at Tom who looked like shit and just smirked. "What? You never missed someone back home?" before Tom could answer the recruitment dorms lights went on. "Let's go check it out" Hank said rising to his feet.

Tom just reached out to open the door when the door burst open from the inside Flynn fell on the ground some wooden splinters pushed into her back. Next thing she knew is that same guy who was stuck in the back of her mind while doing those 55 push upside were on top of her and punched her on her jaw causing her to have a complete knockout. "What the fuck" Tom cussed so confused and shocked that a guy somehow made it into the girl's dorm. Hank full of rage (but was able to keep calm) pulled the guy off of the unconscious girl and shoved him against the wall instantly. "What are you doing?" He hissed in the guys face. Just then a torch caught their attention. "Hank Bow. Tom And recruiters involved in my office now."

Flynn woke up groaning in pain. Opening her eyes she realized she is late for training. Quickly sitting up someone emediatly pushed her back onto the bed. It was Hank looking annoyed. Flynn looked into furious Gray eyes and a very very strong jawline."Morning." the deep voice from the gray eyed man greeted. For a moment Flynn was lost in the deep misty eyes but she found her voice sooner then her brain. "I'm late" She tried to sit up again but once again the strong hand pushed her back into the bed. "Your done for". Those words made Flynns heart almost go to a standstill. "You're going to wish you stayed at home Flynn Rider."

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