New life#week one#

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Another day of school, well like most days at school, usually look all messed up and scattered as usual, well I guess the hurricane didn't hit me this time but It sure will by I was saying, I have 8 weeks left till my birthday clocks hit ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....... and nothing has been done on my list said Cass,  your turning 18 for God sake, I just have to listen to my bfff whine about it, you need to get a man every one or thing is getting booed up and ur here with your sorry damn!!!!asss waiting for charming if he's ever gonna show up 😒
well me and Cass had this kinda humble beginnings when we used to play together at the park mostly, she stays at the other side of town,  well not to pretty same old ghetto shittt as well she's well pretty not like those girls I see on magazines tho, she's my kinda hot hot🥵 don't mess with that chicks heart unless ur gonna burn🔥!!!!!!!☠ am serious she is thunder ⚡⚡well Cass really had her own share of breakups when she cried puked all over my body damn!!!! It was horrible don't wanna think about it ishhhhh!!!!😖🤢her first love Colby that sick bastard!!🤬😡jerk / dick face broke her heart not quite sure who cheated first but he was a sick bastard anyways 😌no take backs....
They had a messed up relationship, well she was dating a white guy , she knows what she was getting into, she loved him but his parents were kinda racist about the whole relationship, he couldn't stand up for her, they dated for a while  and he dumped her and left her for a white guy can you believe that shitttt🙀he had a gay side but he's parent's were cool about that shiit, he apologized and said sorry but now he's in Germany having a nice time of he's life .But there where times she was always there for me, even though I was messed up mentally and a lousy friend but my main hoe gat my back yo!!!bitchesssss❤😎😁 and college really brought us a lot closer since our crazy fight in high school, we have been bffs for 8 years a lot happen folks....
Times like this I kinda get sad but just had to watch her nag all the way up even if she was right at some point,  there are times I get all cranky and my face get flushed like this mostly 😤😨😡🤬
But yeah, I guess Jenny was right this time so I asked her to help me out, which kinda sounded like a joke. Lemme give you a description of my self really,🤔
Okay am 6ft tall, slim like small boobies and a tiny whiny so called waist and but and yes they are really smallll😩for  me actually but am learning to love my body, black hair really short not the average kinda attractive girl.... actually most times I was called ugly but puberty really did a thing with my face tho.... except for the pimples part😥very frustrating tho...but I pop those mutherfuckers really nice sometimes 😝but still not ugly 🤗
Oh... where was I,  yeah the part where I was talking about the boyfriend thing yeah, 😯I really needed one unfortunately couldn't think of any guy really not that they were not there at all, is just I was kinda picky ( hey! Good taste matters ladies 😌 you can thank me all later 😊) , well so well, I don't really talk much let's just say am a kinda a loner tho, the kinda bitch that doesn't fit in , In crowds group or people mostly,  how in God's name am i gonna get a boyfriend, look around world the whole city of Chicago ain't dumb or blind to notice, I tell myself at the mirror daily self loathing is really bad🤧remember kids don't ever look down on yourself... peroidttttt😤, so as I was telling myself  horrifying stuff, to get myself offf ..that shitt .
My guy Pitt just texted me he was like dude u wanna crash I was like yeah. Basically am just some black kids who goes to this fancy rich school and stays in a modern home but not in a fancy place, well my palace here is the "black ghetto "as you may call it , well some folks throwing a nice party out 5 blocks from my place,  and I was like ok .... see you at 8😉
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