Untitled Story Part

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Have you ever been in a place you don't just blend in no matter what and feel like trash mostly you and everything in your life, well that's how I feel right now. Well, this kind of bad energy you have to leave but you're stuck in it.
Cass: Spin the bootle guys
Zack: Any room left for one additional person (a stranger walks in)
I don't really mean to be racist but a white boy walking in on a black community,  isn't really nice🤦‍♀️the people here are kinda hateful basically because of their kind like black girls rule,  team brown skin,  embrace ur culture shitt why can't everyone just get along for once!!!!😩
Sid: (laughs) ever seen a white boy in a black community,  in hood shitt( mummurs)
WILLOW: let him stay alright
Sid: 😂🤣 guess the white fancy peeps are rubbing off on you .
Seriously telling a black girl with single white friends who appears to be a loner how creative sid🙄always took this piece is shit for a dumbass.
Willow: hey, he just wanna hang out here, why can't he play with us.
Sid: you're getting soft, gal ain't no fucking ugly white kid stepping into our zone.
Zack: it's okay, am leaving didn't take you guys for the cool type.
Sid : hu? Ur calling un-cool mutherfucker
WILLOW:I guess this is the end of it,
Am out
Sid: Where you going girl,
WILLOW: somewhere that ain't here
Sid: you think this kid alright
Cass: i don't know

Outside sid's crib
Zach: wanna smoke
Willow: what your doing here
Zach: actually came to steal your weed actually,  we didn't have any at our crib
WILLOW:(takes the cigarette from him and smoke it) umm, feels good alright,
Zach: yeah am Zachary,  my friends call me zach
WILLOW: I know you
Zach:from where
WILLOW: school(basically no one really knows me at school) we had economics class too
Zach: wow
WILLOW: I get that a lot
Zach: am really sorry
WILLOW: doesn't matter,
wanna crash at my place
WILLOW: didn't take you for the girls type, am WILLOW by the way.
Zach: there's a lot you don't know about me.
WILLOW: wanna bang am down for it.
30 minutes later
(Moaning, screams from the room )
WILLOW: (laughs) I thought that was a squirt that just came out of me
Zach: nope, it was mine fault,  I came to fast,  you were rough I like it.(he heads to the bathroom )
Not really,  the boys whole virgin type, sex always feel the same with guys, really got bored of it, several times I fucked for the fun of it, did not see the need, different guys every week but this kinda felt a little good even though he was kinda nasty and rough during the first round. My parents are Christians really good ones my dad is a rev at the Baptist church down the street,  never been the good type God knows,  I tried my best being the so called perfect daughter actually lost my virginity at 6 with this guy back then we didn't know exactly what we were doing then, kept putting it in the wrong holes🤣😂 then afterwards I got raped by this guy at the church , I cried,  still imagine his disgusting scent all over me I couldn't tell my parents,  it really affected me but I got my first kiss by a girl at 9, we were playing this family couple game and we made out in my room well my mum found at all she had to do was to pray for me,sounds hilarious really expected a lil ass whooping from her really 😕😝on the bright side she did not even tell my dad and since then I haven't seen lizzy she's  the only white friend I ever had.
Zach: hoping for a second round, are you down for it I might go slow on you this time
WILLOW:I wanna get some rest
Zach: you look worried and scared when I touched you
Willow : Nothing
Zach: Alright but you're not getting out of my sight that quickly (he trickles willow and she laughs )
WILLOW  : please stop it ,
Zach: not until you tell me what's on your mind .
WILLOW: well school mostly
Zach: it isn't, it much more personal to me if you're willing to open up to me
WILLOW: I don't relate with strangers
Zach: wow you call us strangers after seeing each other private parts
WILLOW: I think I should leave now
Zach: No, am sorry please stay, I really need company at this point
WILLOW: I taught you had people by your side everytime
Zach: not anymore,  I am really trying hard to get over my ex girlfriend
WILLOW: wow! Who knew a girl could ever dump Zachary west, with that size of his dick not a chance
Zach: my dick isn't really that big,
WILLOW: son, its huge I almost cried the moment you came inside of me.
So who's the chick that dumped you
Zach: I don't like the term dumped( interrupted)
WILLOW: suck it in dude, so who's the dumb fool exactly 😌
Zach: Rachel ponds
WILLOW:😂😂 she's not even that pretty was ur dumb as in love certainly you look like trash,  wasted overnight garbage 😂guys like you get dumped 🤣🤣well the ugly like us get served by single ness
Zach: you have never dated
WILLOW: actually no guy has ever asked me out
Zach😂🤣🤣 am so sorry,  what I really mean to say is😂🤣 you need to get yourself checked asap.
WILLOW: you need that more than me broken cupid,😂😂🤣don't really get the fact about the love thing
Zach: it happens
WILLOW: I bet you,  no guy in the city of Chicago will ever make me feel that.
Zach; really,  how about I make a bet on it.
Zach: if you lose you get to date me for 2 months and breakup eventually
WILLOW: if I win I'll get that smooth ride of yours deal
Zach: yeah  , you just signed ur death warrant
Blahh blehhh we've heard the muthfucking warnings before,  am gonna win this shit😚😾

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