-self harm-

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Due to constructive feed back, I've decided to change a few sentences from this story. Even if I don't completely agree with it (not that I don't agree with it being inappropriate, because I understand where that comes from. I just don't think, especially because these very issues have had me troubled for a very long time and I think it's important to talk about this harsh reality) I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable and I don't want to be the one to trigger people with explicit content. Thank u to the ones who pushed me to change the story & to everyone struggling with harming themselves in any way, you are loved and it's okay to not be okay, please just talk to someone about it❤️ - M, 31.10.2021

I had been struggling with self harm for a while now.

The pain was comforting and distracting and the aftermath made me think about the harm and it's consequences.

I wanted to feel something other than pure agony.

The constant sadness was eating away my soul.

The gaping hole in my heart was getting bigger every minute I was thinking about my life and how it had become.

''Y/N, are you in here?'' His voice was sweet, caring.

A voice I had always needed l.

A tear rolled down my cheek, followed by another. I wiped them away quickly and roll my sleeves down.

''Yeah, just give me a minute.'' I said when Timothée impatiently knocked on the bathroom door.

After a few moments I got up and unlocked the bathroom, walking out like nothing happened.

''Hey babe.'' I said and kissed Timmy quickly on his lips, avoiding his questioning gaze.

''Something's up, Y/N, tell me.'' He demanded. I looked at the ground, feeling intimidated by his piercing gaze.

''Show me your arms.'' He grabbed my wrists harshly when I didn't do as he said.

He rolled up my sleeves fastly and his face fell once he saw everything I had done to myself.

''Oh no, Y/N, why did you do this to yourself?'' A tear fell on my arm and it wasn't mine.

He cried softly as he wrapped his arms around me.

I began to cry too.

It felt relieving that someone knew.

I had always pretended I was fine, suppressing what I was really feeling.

But suppressing means depression, and depression means the worst kind of sadness possible.

And I couldn't handle it on my own anymore.

''I'm sorry.'' I said while crying against Timothée's chest.

''It's okay. We're gonna get through this together. We're gonna get you the help you need and you're gonna get better.'' He reassured me.

His grip around me was tighter than normal, he was really holding on to me like he was never going to let go.

And for the first time in a really long time, I had a little more hope when I looked at the future.


Hey guys.
How are y'all doing?
I hope you're all doing good.
If not, that's okay.
It's okay if you're feeling sad, angry, depressed or something.
Talk about it.
Say it to other people who can help you.
Don't think it's going to go away by ignoring or suppressing it.
It will simply make things worse.
Depression and self harm is such an important subject to talk about, yet it feels so wrong actually talking about it.
That's why I made this imagine, to make people more aware of this subject.
To start the conversation we all are avoiding.
I've experienced this and I got better.
You can do it too.
Things are going to be better in the end, so don't give up.
You have your whole future ahead of you.
There are other options to get distraction.
But talk about it.
I love you guys so much, I hope you all love yourself too.
Please COMMENT your opinion on this and clear your conscience if you want to.

Timothée Chalamet ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now