-The Servant Part 3 • King Henry-

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Hi guys! I know I haven't been online for the last few months, but I've been super busy starting up my own company & with my music. That, and the fact I haven't been very inspired because someone stole my work and published it as if it was their own. I've kindly messaged them, but sadly I still don't have a response after a few weeks. To me, seeing someone plagiarise my work with absolutely no effort of their own just kind of makes me wonder what the hell I'm doing this for. I know this doesn't weigh up to the fact that each of you read with so much passion and keep inspiring me every day, but I did need some time to think. I came here to 1: tell you how much I still appreciate you all for everything you do for me. So thank you so much! I love each one of you (the ones who read and DON'T steal my work ;)).



I saw she was a damaged soul the minute she'd entered my castle. The way she moved too cautiously screamed she had been mistreated in some sort of way.

I intended to stay away from her, but everything about her drew me in; her smile that could turn anyone soft, her mesmerising eyes filled with warmth and her beautiful, golden locks that shone in the sunlight.

At first, I only saw her as a beautiful prey, ready to be devoured by the lion of the kingdom. But the more I got to know her, the more I started to appreciate the little things about her. It was starting to become more than just lust, and that wasn't particularly good for me.

I needed to get rid of her, but every time I tried to, I only failed miserably.

''One day we will be together.'' I said as she laid in my arms. I stroked her hair gently as our naked bodies were tangled up in each other.

''But aren't we together already?'' It pained me to see her so fragile. I needed to do something about it, now.

''No, I'm afraid not. But one day we will.'' It was easy to postpone things and keep the mystery. To give someone false hope was the most cruel thing you could do, but at least it gave me time to think.

If I wanted to get rid of her, the only way was to make her burn on the fiery staples and send her to hell.

It worked when I had accused her of witchcraft. I put the blame on her and falsely claimed she practiced dark magic under the sight of me. It wasn't true, but no one would believe her over me.

And besides that, I was the king. I could do whatever I pleased and no one would question my actions.

We Spike our final words in the dungeons I'd kept her in. She cried and screamed for me to reconsider, but I didn't budge.

Even though it pained me to see her go so soon, my image was more important than ever now that I was king. No one, and I mean no one, could seduce me into being untrue to myself. 

When the day of her death arrived, I wanted to see and make sure she'd die.

But she never did, and I was personally responsible for that.

''At least our son will never be yours to care for, you sick bastard.'' She could be hanged alone for calling me names, but the only thing that stood out more was the mention of a son. My eyes widened and in a moment of panic, I made a reckless decision.



Can't really seem to get further with this story, but I'll try for u!!

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