-Just Roll The Dice Part 3-

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Read the first two parts to understand the storyline better!


The next Monday at school I was anxious to see Timothée after what happened at the party. I hadn't stopped thinking about the kiss and he didn't seem to get off my mind. It was driving me insane and I honestly didn't know how I was going to react when I saw him.

My two best friends waited for me at our usual spot and together we walked to class. They knew about my hatred for Timothée, and they too didn't like him very much. I didn't know how they were going to react when I told them about the kiss. I tried to postpone the moment, but I wasn't the best at keeping my own secrets so they'd eventually find out.

Throughout the day I had a hard time focusing, knowing that at some point I was going to bump into Timothée. I couldn't avoid the moment and during a restroom trip in third period, he coincidentally walked down the same hallway. In some sort of reflex I looked at the ground and ignored him completely, only regretting it immediatly.

It was the most awkward thing to ever happen between us and I didn't know what had gotten into me. I still hated him, right? Just because we kissed doesn't mean something had changed, right?

Oh fuck, it totally did change everything. There was no way we could go back to being enemies and hating each other.

During lunch, I caught him staring at me several times. It wasn't like he accidentally made eye contact, it was fully on purpose because he knew what he had done to me.

''What is up with you today?'' Penny asked as she startled me from my thoughts. My other best friend, Nisrina, looked as weirded out as Penny and I felt kind of judged by them, even through they had no clue of what was going on.

''Can we go outside? I need to tell you guys something.'' They looked really confused now, but did as I had asked them and together we walked outside and sat down on one of the benches.

''So... Something has happened- I mean, it's not a bad thing- well, maybe it is. I don't know. Anyway, just remember that I was really drunk and I didn't mean for it to happen.''

''Just fucking say it already, Y/N.'' Nisrina shot at me.

''I kissed Timothée Chalamet- no wait, he actually kissed me but that's not the point. The point is that we kissed and now I don't know how to act normal.'' There, I said it. It was like a heavy weight fell off my shoulders and it felt like I could breathe again.

''I was wondering when that was going to happen. It was only a matter of time.'' Nisrina said chuckling. Penny agreed by nodding and they both didn't try to hide the smiles that were forming on their faces.

''What's so funny?'' I asked, kind of annoyed but also a little hurt.

''Just that you're the most predictable person ever, but that's okay.'' Penny said. They were fully laughing now and after a while I simple joined them.

''You guys aren't mad?'' They both shook their heads and grabbed my hand reassuringly.

''Just watch out what you're doing and don't forget he is your friend's ex. Other than that, just have fun. You're young and beautiful.'' I smiled and hugged them, extremely glad they weren't pissed on me. I knew that I had to watch out and I definitely knew I was playing a risky game, since he was my friend's ex.

When I walked inside to get some water, a person dragged me with him to a little more quiet space.

''Wha- Timothée... What do you want?''

''Don't act like this. We both know there's something between us and I-'' I leaned in and shut him up by kissing him on the lips. Hard.

He kissed back immediatly and his hand snuck around my waist, grabbing onto it as if it was a matter of life and death. I felt him getting harder by the second and if I hadn't stopped it, I was pretty sure we would've fucked then and there.

''Timothée... We can't do this.'' He looked a little hurt, but quickly restored himself and put on a stoic expression. He nodded, avoiding my gaze by staring at the wall behind me.


''Why not? You're my friend's ex and we are supposed to hate each other. It's just weird- and as much as I want to do this, it's already too complicated...''

''We don't have to tell anyone, though. It can be our little secret.'' He smiled deviously and for a minute I considered it.

He was dangerous, making me doubt everything by just the touch of his skin on mine. His offer was tempting, but it would only make things more complicated.

He leaned in, his movements so quick that before I could comprehend, his lips were on mine again and I was pinned against the wall. I moaned slightly as he grinded himself against me, earning a proud smirk from him in response.

''Okay, no- stop. This is not happening right now.'' I fixed my clothes and pushed him off yet again before walking away.

''My place, Saturday. Don't be late.'' I told him before running off completely.


The part where they're kissing in school actually didn't happen, but I thought it would make the story more interesting.

And yeah, I know it's been a long time ago since I posted, but I just didn't have any inspiration. I was extremely busy graduating high school and I needed some time off. I hope I have the inspiration to write some more imagines in the future, and I think this chapter is a good start. Thanks for your patience and I'm glad y'all still read this book.

Oh and btw, I entered the watty's so I'm not sure how it works but if you could vote, that would be awesome (lol idek how you can vote, but yeah, I appreciate you guys even making an effort to read this book).

Love you lots!

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