Chapter 1

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Part 1

Spring Break has finally begun. I'm so sick of being surrounded by all the boring potheads at UNM. I can't wait to have some fun here at home. Hopefully my parents aren'ttoostrict about me leaving the house.

"Mom! I'm going to the grocery store, do you need anything?" I call to her upstairs.

"No, sweetheart! Thank you! My keys are on the counter if you want to take the Suburban!" she calls out.

I eye the keys. I know my Toyota Corolla has much better gas mileage than her Chevrolet Suburban. So I'll hurt the environment. But what if some creep sees me in the Sub & tries to identify me or stalk me by the car? Wouldn't that put mom in danger?

...Sorry Mother Nature.


I'm leaving the grocery store & I eye the attorneys office a few spaces down. Gandering at the "Better Call Saul!" sign that takes up pretty much the whole roof of the place. It looks disgusting. Nothing but convicts and ghetto runaway criminals. Yeah, I've seen his commercials. I was never coloured impressed.

As I'm finishing up putting all of the groceries into the trunk, I look over as I hear someone yelling "goddammit!" in pure frustration. A familiar face it is...I recognize his face as soon as I see him kick his tire, & kneel over in pain at the poor decision.

"Jesse? Jesse Pinkman?" I say. I'm a few stalls over from him in the parking lot, but the spaces in between us are empty. He looks over at me & I hear him grumble "oh no. Not you, of all freaking people."

I walk over "what's wrong with me? I was just saying hi."

He begins mocking me. "oh, what's wrong with me, Jesse? What's wrong with how I called you a loser & planned out how you would always amount to nothing? The DAY we graduated, Where I was finally excited to leave high school & start my life & you just stomped all over it? Yeah, what's wrong with you." HE snarls at me & turns away.

He remembers that?

"Jesse we were kids. I don't know what your problem is, but-"

"what's my problem? WHAT'S MYPROBLEM? Well lets start with the fact that my psycho parents kicked me out of my own house! & then my high school nightmare comes out of nowhere & tries to act like nothing happened? Yeah, whatever." He turns away from me & starts to walk back to his car. "Who I don't even remember the name of." & he throws the door open.

"It's Sierra!" I say kind of loudly. I hear him mumble something like "whatever." as he drives off.


The minute I'm done putting away groceries, I run upstairs & turn on my laptop. I google "Jesse Pinkman".

"let's see what you've been up to Jesse." I say to myself. I know, a little stalkerish. But I want to see what he's doing. Knowing that he remembers what I told him in high school, I feel a little bad, now.

Jesse's Myspace page pops up. Fool doesn't have it set to private, so I can see all of his stuff. He page comes up with big font reading "CAP'N COOK" with not so subtle drug references, marijuana leaves everywhere, & his path of education through the "School of DOPENESS".

Hm...Methamphetamine huh? That's what you're into now? What you're doing with your life?

Actually, meth doesn't sound too shabby. You cook it right, sell it right & without getting caught & you are so golden for a lot of money...Imagine how much money I'd make for selling the right meth during finals week...I need to find a manufacturer. There is no way Jesse makes reliable product. Not to mention he doesn't know how to lay low.

But who to call?


"yo yo yo, 148, 3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9. Representin' the ABQ. WHAD UP BIATCH? Leave at the tone." *beep*

I hang up. yeah yeah, I know, I couldn't think of anyone to call...UGH, if Jesse doesn't answer his phone, then who am I supposed to call?"



I'm sitting in Saul Goodman's office, analyzing his room. So patriotic, it's a little sickening. I mean, he's got the Preamble to the American Constitution printed on his walls. Saul is sitting on his desk with his hands folded prim & properly.

"So, Miss. Lowe, what can I do for you?" he asks.

"I would like some information regarding one of your clients."

"Well, Miss. Lowe, as I'm sure you know, I'm extremely limited as to how muchinformation I can get to you. But I will try my hardest."

"I understand Jesse Pinkman is one of your clients." I calmly say.

Saul seemed a little taken aback, but he recomposed himself before it was evident.

"What information were you seeking of my client?"

"I know Jesse sells meth."

His reaction was a little more evident this time, but still, his re-composition is quick.

"I'm sorry, Miss. Lowe, but I cannot release any information regarding Jesse in that matter."

I slap a dollar on his desk. "You are now my paid lawyer, I expect Lawyer confidentiality*, yes?" I say to him.

"Of course." he responds.

"I need you to get a hold of him. I want to work with Jesse."

He couldn't hide his reaction that time.

"Miss. Lowe, I cannot aid you for a matter like this. I'm sorry-"

"Get Jesse Pinkman on the phone. I want to make a sales pitch."

End of part 1

* notes:

Lawyer confidentiality: Any & all information regarding what a client says to his/her attorney is, by law, highly confidential. The lawyer may only repeat what their client says if it involves hurting themselves or someone else.

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