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b u t  h e ' s  a  l i t t l e  t o o   l a t e

 [ a post-it note pasted on the second tape ]

❝Y o u ' l l  b e  a l r i g h t
N o  o n e  c a n  h u r t
y o u  n o w.❞


S a w y e r,

I remember seeing you one time. It was summer but the air smelled of spring. You had a full blown smile pasted on your lips while helping old Barbara St. Cloud cross Richmond street. I thought I'd just pass up that event as a casual sighting of an old friend but what I saw next made my feet unable to move. When you thought no one was looking, you let your defenses crumble to the ground. I watched you walk back home, your smile slowly replaced by a look of pure anguish and grief that seemed to mirror my own.

That was the last time I ever saw you.

Rumor has it, you went to Canada to start anew. Others said you went to New York to live your dream to be a Broadway actor.

Wherever you are right now, whatever you are right now, I hope you'll remember that you're not alone. Every time you'll feel that you're carrying your troubles all by yourself, raise your head up the sky and talk to God. He listens even though you can't see Him. He answers even though you can't hear Him. It's familiar, isn't it? You said that when you found me sobbing on the hospital floor *breathes heavily* the day my mother died.

I wish I had the courage to return the favor when I saw you walk back home that night. I wish I could make a difference in your life like you did in mine.

*tape stops*

 the quote was taken from Taylor Swift's Safe and Sound featuring Capital Cities

// m u l t i m e d i a //

»» a gif of Astra Petersen to brighten your day!

// n o t e s //

Sawyer Freeman will be played by Logan Lerman

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