SIXTEEN. real life

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"HOW DO YOU KNOW WHERE JAMES LIVES ANYWAYS?" Lily questioned, eyeing Dorcas from her position in the back seat.

Dorcas had offered to drive she, Marlene, and Mary over to the Potter residence, seeing as it wasn't too far from her own and she seemingly knew the way without navigation.

Dorcas shrugged, "Me and James have known each other since we were like, I dunno, infants probably."

"What?!" Lily yelled, causing Dorcas to slam on her brakes.

Dorcas turned slowly around to face Lily, "What is wrong with you?"

"She's a bad enough driver without you yelling." Mary said, grinning at Lily from her position next to her.

"Both of you bitches are about to be walking." Dorcas said, easing off the brakes to continue her drive.

"No no this is important!" Lily said, eyebrows furrowed, "You've been friends with James since you were a baby and you let me shit talk him to you?"

Dorcas laughed, turning right onto a secluded street, "Well you wouldn't have trashed him if you knew we were friends." She shrugged nonchalantly.

"I can't believe you played me like that." Lily said, pushing her hair out of her face.

"Eh it's not a big deal, we aren't exactly bosom buddies anymore— middle school will do that to ya." Dorcas idled in front of what could only really be described as a mansion before deciding to pull up the driveway rather than park on the street.

Lily stepped out of Dorcas' car and stared up at the Potter residence, "Okay, I knew James was rich, but I didn't realize he was this rich."

She turned to look at the other girls, who didn't seem to be bothered by the display of wealth. They were rich as well, and having gone to school with James all their lives (unlike her, who had joined their exclusive prep school thanks to a scholarship in high school) had probably been to his house before. "Are they drug dealers or something?" She asked, looking from her friends to the three car garage.

Marlene laughed, "His family has some hair product fortune or something, if I could remember the brand you'd know it."

They entered the house through the front door, with Dorcas heading the front of the group, "I'm home!" She sing-songed, kicking off her shoes as she did so.

A petite woman with dark olive skin and shiny black curls entered the foyer from one of the rooms to the side, "Dory! How are you honey?" She crossed the room to give Dorcas a hug, "I was hoping Jaime would be with you, we're leaving soon."

"Where are you going?" Mary questioned, shucking off her shoes as well.

"Up to Martha's Vineyard for Monty's birthday—" James' mother trailed off once she noticed the only unfamiliar face in the group of girls.

"And who might you be?" She asked, a lilt of excitement in her voice.

"Lily Evans," she stepped forward to shake Mrs. Potter's hand, but was pulled into a hug instead.

"I know all about you!" Mrs. Potter said, pulling back to inspect the teen carefully.

"Is that James?" A voice called from somewhere on the second floor.

In a moment, a handsome blonde man was descending the stairs carrying several suitcases. Lily recognized him immediately as James' father. They were not similar in build or coloring ( that was all Mrs. Potter ) but they had similar features and the same swagger to their walk. He was older— not the type of old where you might wonder how he had a teenage boy; but old in that Brad Pitt movie star handsome, would-have-a-sugar-baby old.

"No Monty, he's not home yet." Mrs. Potter said, looking at her husband.

He sighed, "If he doesn't show up we're leaving without saying goodbye— I told he and Sirius when to be home by."

It was then that he noticed the gaggle of girls in his foyer.

The space between his eyebrows creased as he no doubt tried to figure out why they were here if his son was not.

Dorcas broke the silence.

"Hi Monty," she grinned stepping forward to give him a hug.

He dropped the bags in his hands and pulled the teen to his chest, "Hey Dor— we're actually supposed to be meeting your parents in twenty."

"Where are you all going?" Mary questioned, smiling and waving from her spot at the doorway.

"Martha's Vineyard for Monty's birthday."

"Happy birthday Mr. Potter." Lily said, smiling awkwardly at the man.

She knew how much James loved and look up to his father ( they didn't have to be friends or even casual acquaintances for her to have heard him talk about the man ) so she hoped that he would actually like her. Monty turned his face to her, studying her like a particularly interesting bug before breaking into a smile, "Lily Evans, I presume?"

"Um yeah—"

He stuck out a hand for her to shake, which she did, and found herself fairly impressed by his strong grip.

"James talks about you a lot." He was smiling.

Lily felt her cheeks warm. She wondered what sorts of things he was saying.

"When are they going to get here?" Mrs. Potter said, turning her attention to the door as though her son (sons? what did they consider Sirius? ) would magically appear.

And funnily enough, they did.

Sirius nudged the door open with his foot, kicking it wider so that Remus, James, and Peter could enter the residence without struggle. Their arms were laden with various food items from a variety of places ( Lily could spot pizza boxes and Chinese food bags as well as smelling something that she could only describe as Italian ) and they looked a little flushed but otherwise pleased.

"Hi mami," James said, piling his food into Lily and Marlene's waiting arms so that he could give his mother a hug.

"We're leaving. Jamie, Sirius — please don't burn the place down." Mr. Potter said, pulling both of his boys in for farewell hugs.

"Wait!" Peter said, peeking at the couple from behind his mountain of food, "How do you suggest ruining someone's life?"

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