EIGHTEEN. instagram, text messages

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liked by marymac, lilev, and 1,042 others

sirius this has been a long time coming but i never had any interest talking about it until very recently. as most of you have probably guessed, whether it be from my recent posts, knowing me personally, or being outed on a certain blog, but i am gay. it's been a difficult and strange road to accepting who i am and i still have a long way to go, but with the help of some very special people i know i won't have to do it alone


pamesjotter love you brother

rlupin so proud of you ❤️

petpett i love you bro

lilev ❤️❤️❤️

marmckinn I love you and I'm so proud of you text me

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[ UNKNOWN NUMBER has sent a message to SIRIUS ]

Hey Siri it's Reg. I'm sure you deleted my number after everything that happened last year but before you (rightfully) block me I want to say I'm really sorry about what happened. I should have never outed you to mom and dad, especially since I knew it would only end badly for you.

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