Chapter 2 The Loving Sister

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Elsewhere in Venice Italy a dark skinned man (Eric) stood on a bridge as he talk to a light skinned brown hair women (Jane) on his ear piece. Jane sat in the van along with her other partner Tom

“any sign of him?” the man asked,

“no still no sign” she respond

“I think he got cold feet”

“let’s hope not we need this to learn more about Gustav organization”

“I know I just wish I could be in the van with you instead of being out here by myself”

“I don’t think Nick would agree with you”

“I don’t agree with him” Nick shouted, Jane and Eric laughed as he interrupted them

“tell you what Jane after this how about I take you on a long vacation”

“sounds good but it will have to wait till after we visit my parents”

“Oh yeah I almost forgot” Eric didn’t seem excited

“I know you don’t want to go but I really want you to meet them before we get married”

“don’t let my tone fool you I can’t wait to meet the amazing Reed family especially the much talked little brother

“cut the chat guys he’s here” Nick interrupted

“wish me luck” Eric said to Jane

“like you need”

Eric turned to the middle age man that approached him

“I didn’t you going to show” Eric said

“you got my money”

“right here” Eric showed him the briefcase “and the disc”

The man grabbed the disc from his inside his jacket. Jane and Tom listen as they sat in

the van before Jane phone rings

“hello. What are you sure”

Jane through down the phone and tried to contact Eric

“Eric come in Eric Dammit” Jane shouted before grabbing her gun

“Jane what’s wrong” Nick asked,

“that man out there is not the mole it’s a trap”

Jane and Nick rushed out the van as they ran to the bridge Jane scream his name


Eric turn to Jane when he turned back the man shot him

“Nooooo” Jane screamed as Eric fall off the bridge in the water

“watch out” Nick shouted, Nick grabbed Jane and took cover as a sniper started shooting from the roof “ we can’t stay here”

“what about Eric”

“if we don’t live were dead

Nick grabbed Jane and rushed to the van as they drove off they was follow by men in a SUV bullets hit the van as Nick made a strong left Jane shot back until she was empty

“I’m empty”

“take mine” Nick gave Jane his

Nick stop as he drove into the town square the men in the SUV shot at them as they took cover onside on the side of the van

“shit they got us surrounded”

As the men started to close in a helicopter shined a light on them suddenly squad pulled up and surrounded them

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