Chapter 6

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We ran up the stairs and started looking through boxes to see If we could find anything about the doll. I looked in an old box that was on a shelf and found a newspaper article about Molly.

"Gianna, look. I found something" I shouted at her.

"What is it?" She asked running towards me.

"It's a newspaper article. It says that Molly was murdered by her friends when she was 10 years old because they didn't like her. They searched for her body for a year, but couldn't find it until one of her friends confessed. They found her body in a well." I told her.

I looked at the picture next to the article and recognized the well.

"I know where that well is. We should go there and return the doll." I said.

"I think it's too dangerous but I'll go." She agreed.

"How are we going to get there?" I asked.

We thought for a minute. A few seconds later, Gianna had an idea.

"My brother, Daniel, can drive us." She suggested.

"Okay. Let's go." I said.

Gianna called her brother and he said he would pick us up in 5 minutes. We decided that when we got there we would return the doll to Molly and hopefully she would stop killing people. When he got here, we didn't tell him anything about the doll. We just told him to drop us off near the well. We got there 20 minutes later. I got out of the car and ran to the well while Giana carried the doll.

"Throw it carefully in the well." I said.

Gianna sat on the edge with her feet dangling towards the well.

"Where is the doll?" She asked confused.

Suddenly the doll pushed her in the well and Gianna fell to her death. I could hear her screaming but I was too frightened to say anything.

"Gianna!" I yelled.

It started raining hard and I was sobbing. I ran back to the car and saw a horrible sight. Gianna's brother had blood all over his face and his eyes were gone. The doll did this! The doll was killing everyone I cared about and was ruining my life. The doll took what was most important to me, my friends and my family. Gianna, Katrina, Daniel, and other victims might have lost the battle against the evil apparition that possessed the doll, but will forever be reposed in my memory. Molly was hidden under a disimulation of a delicate, sweet doll, but was really a muderous phantom craving revenge. What people people don't understand is she Is just a broken little girl that enjoys watching people suffer. She came back for vengeance because of how she died. She will be satisfied once every human is hurt like she was and she won't stop until everyone's dead. Evil thoughts have taken over her soul that are too awful to describe. The question that Is wandering in my mind is, why me? The curse of Molly will last forever because I didn't stop her. Molly's anger and rage was to powerful to defeat.

The end.


Hey it's lauren. Sorry this book was so short, I'm going to write another scary story but it'll be a lot longer than this one. Thank y'all for reading. ily bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2014 ⏰

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