R5 Has Their First Record Deal

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Riker Dating One Of His Best Friends


Chapter Four- No Ones Point Of View

R5 are celebrating there first record deal. So they threw a little party mostly ever got drunk. Riker was drinking with his best friends and siblings. Riker and Ross are dancing. They are to drunk to know what is going on.

"Ross I like you." Riker said.

They kind of kissed and than Ross pulled away. Ross was shocked because he didn't think that Riker would actually like him back. Riker and Ross went to Riker and Rocky's room and did the deed because they like each other.

Plus they wanted to do that even though they are drunk. Ryland and Rocky have always liked each other. They just never told each other. Well until now they are both drunk so they took the opritunity to tell each other how they feel.

They are scared to get rejected by the other. Ryland and Rocky are dancing Ryland has his arms arund Rockys neck. As Rocky has his hands on Rylands waist. They both smile as they are slow dancing.

"I like you Rocky." Ryland said.

"I like you too." Rocky said.

Rockland kiss then they made out. They went to the spareroom and did the deed because they love each other. They wanted each other anyways so it's a win win sistuation. The next morning Ryland and Rocky woke up.

The time was 7:56 AM they both have a pounding headache and a smile on there faces. Ryland took a pain killer to get rid of his hang over. Ryland handed Rocky a pain killer and he took it.

"Rocky wanna be my boyfriend?" Ryland asked as they remembered what happened lastnight.

"Yes." Rocky said.

Rockland kissed each other as boyfriends and ended up making out. Rocky pulled away from the make out session then pulled Ryland into his arms. They started to cuddle and fell asleep in each others arms.

After a few hours they woke up the time is 10:45 AM. Rocky got up and went into his and Riker's room. After he got dressed and left the spare room. He went to tell Riker what happened lastnight.

(This is the same day but Riker and Ross's perspective) The next day Riker woke up in his bed with Ross as he has a pounding headache. Ross woke up in his best friends room with a pounding headache as well.

They look at each other and smile as they remember the events that happened last night. Rydel really loves Ellington. But if he hurts her in any way shape or form. He's going to be a dead man walking.

Riker, Rocky, Ryland, and Ross that's because she's like a sister to Ryland and Ross. The boys are very over protective of Rydel. A few hours later they all woke up. Ross got up off the bed and stretched.

Than he went into the bathroom with Riker and took a shower. Then Rockland took there shower. The four of them went downstairs. Everyone else was waiting for them to get in the kitchen.

They all sat next to one another. Riker had his hand holding Ross's under the table. Riker loves Ross and Ross loves him. They are best friends that love each other. But they never wanted to take that extra step.

"How is everyone?" Stormie asked.

"I'm good." Ross said.

"Me and Rocky got together this morning." Ryland said.

"What about Riker and Ross are you two a couple?" Rydel asked them.

Everyone's eyes were on them. Riker and Ross smile at each other. Everyone can picture there wedding. Everything Ross likes because Riker would do anything for him. Everyone knew that Riker would do anything for Ross.

Ross would do anything for Riker as well. They both love each other so much. They would take a bullet for each other. They wouldn't care as long as the other was happy. They just never want to get rejected.

"No were not a couple yet." Riker said shyly.

With that everyone went back to eating there breakfast. After breakfast Rydellington, Rikoss, and Rockland are cuddling on the couch. They are having a movie marathon. There scary movies though.

So Ross, Rydel and Riker are gonna get scared. Riker doesn't know they are having a horror movie marathon. The movie starts as Rydel was clinging to Ellington. Riker and Ross were clinging to each other.

Ellington was protecting Rydel. Ross, Riker and Rydel were crying. Riker and Ross were comforting each other. Rydel's makeup got all over Ellington's shirt. But he was fine with it.

Ellington kissed Rydel's forehead. When the movie was over there was another movie that played. Riker and Ross had enough of the movie marathon because they were so scared. As you can see Riker and Ross hate horror movies.

Riker and Ross absolutely hate horror movies. They didn't want to watch anymore because they might have nightmares after the horror movies. But they liked the fact that they were cuddling each other.

"I'm going upstairs." Ross said.

"I'll go with you." Riker said.

Everyone else looked at each other as Rikoss went upstairs. They both ran up the stairs and into Riker's room. They were still shaking because they were super scared. They were breathing heavily because they just ran up the stairs.

Ross has an idea which might help if they watch a movie that they love and isn't scary to then. Their favorite movies which are Romeo and Juliet (The older version). Also the Pirates Of the Caribbean movies.

The moves are on Netflix. They might be able to sleep after we watch the movies. So they decided to watch one of Ross's favorite movies which is Romeo and Juliet the 1968 version. They needed Riker's computer for that though.

"Can we watch Romeo and Juliet?" Ross asked.

"Sure." Riker said.

"Get your laptop please." Ross said.

"Okay." Riker said as he got his laptop and turned it on.

Riker opened up a tab on google chrome and typed in Netflix. He than typed into the search bar Romeo and Juliet the 1968 version of course. Riker hit play and put the movie on full screen as Ross was cuddling up next to him.

Word count: 1,025 words

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