Millie to Finn

436 25 10

Slang Terms of the Day:
All Nerves - Nervous
Fade - Leave
Now ya educated ;)
Enjoy ♡

February 27th, 1931
The rest of our lives begin now and I can't stop smiling as I write

   Dear Finnie,

      Before I say anything, you might want to sit down for this darling. This wasn't how I wanted to tell you, this wasn't how I ever imagined telling you this. I'd much rather tell you face to face, but since that seems unlikely, here it is. That fourtune teller of yours was not as crazy as you think. As you know I've been feeling down in the ditches for a long time now. Constant nausea, mood swings, weird cravings, etc. Sadie finally took me to the hospital today. We got there and the doc took some blood from me. Sadie and I waited for the results, I was all nerves, and Sadie was trying to calm me down. She said,   
"Imagine you're pregnant! Ha, that would be so funny!"

I found myself laughing along, how crazy would that be. I knew she was joking but my mind secretly smiled at the thought of a baby that was ours.
Next thing I know....the doctor comes in with this big smile, he says,
"You're Pregnant Madam!"

And my eyes go wide.
Sadie began to squeal rather loudly and began to bombard me with ideas for nursery rooms. I was still trying to take in the information.
I'm pregnant Finn! We're going to have a baby!
In the middle of all this excitement, the doctor drops another massive bomb on me.
He says, "Twins too, Gee oh my! Congratulations Maam!"
I felt like i was going to faint. Two? Two babies Finn! Our own little pair!
I'm crying of excitement,  feeling pure joy. Will they have your eyes? Will they have mine!? What are their genders? Is it too soon to assume what they are? What shall we name them? Will they have your adorable freckles? Your perfect black curls? Oh Finn! Oh honey honey dearest, please come back soon! I want you to be by my side the whole time. When do you think you'll come back? Another month or two? They can't possibly have you there for too long. I won't let them! I need you by my side. If you fade forever, my heart would be distraught. I hope you feel as happy as I do, I recall we talked about this once.
It was our two year anniversary, We were walking around the park, hand in hand.
We passed Mrs. Dyer as she strolled her carriage down the sidewalk. Your eyes lit up when you saw her little one. I was askong her how she was dealing with the loss of her husband, Mr. Heaton, who had been drafted two years prior as you recall. She said she was doing alright, with alittle help from Mr. Keery. She gave me some wink and I turned around to see you bent over the carriage making silly faces at the baby. I had never seen such an adorable sight. My heart swelled and you gave me a look I will never forget. As if to tell me you wouldn't mind having one with me. I just rolled my eyes, my what a guy i have!
Nonetheless, i love you! Respond as soon as you can darling! I want to hear what you think. Don't be scared, we got this. An unstoppable pair!
               One half of two future parents
                          - Mills

Hope you all enjoyed this letter! It's been long waited. I feel like i need to interact with my readers, aka you guys, alot more. So, please comment possible baby names! I'll pick the two names I like most. (Boy and Girl names) Write names that are thoughtful and have good meanings.

Over and Out
- Lucy ♡♡♡

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