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Sienna(Y/N)'s POV

"Mom! Dad! Finally!" I heard my brother cry.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"Sienna(Y/N)!! You're okay!!" He cried with tears of joy.
"Yeah, I'm fine. What happened?!" I asked.
"Well, when you wanted to play Fire Emblem Awakening two minutes ago, the TV started glowing and you blacked out. Then the game somehow played itself and..."
"Wait..." I said confused. "TWO MINUTES?!"
"I was in a coma for two minutes?! I just lived through three years!! And I woke up in a field and Gangrel forced Emmeryn over a cliff and Marth was Lucina and Lucina was Marth and I FOUGHT A DRAGON!!"

Then, we heard footsteps.
"Is Sienna(Y/N) okay?" Mom asked.
"Yeah," I said. "I'm fine."
"We are so sorry we haven't been around much. We have been so busy with our job hunts and it got the better out of the two of us. The fighting isn't fair to us or to you two."

Then, Mom and Dad trapped us in a giant hug. That's when I knew, things were slowly returning to normal.


On Monday, my (*cough* former *cough*) friends were called down to the front office.
"So I heard from an anonymous source," The Principal started. "You two were saying mean things about Sienna Murphy(Y/N)."
"Did they mention what we said?" One of my friends asked.
"'She's so pathetic, it's hilarious'"
"Okay, so they did say."
"You two are suspended for the rest of the week. Next Monday, I expect two apology letters both to me and Sienna(Y/N)."

Then they both got up and left the office.
"Wait!" One of my friends started.
"We're really sorry."
"I know you are." The principal nodded.


Wow I can't believe this is the last story part!!

Also, I want to say thank you. This story now has 1K reads. And it's been up for a little over two months. I can't believe it!!

Anyway, a little afterthought notice is next!!

Bye for now!!

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