When it All Falls Down...

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Sienna(Y/N)'s POV

The nightmare was more frequent. Now it was occurring in my daydreams and whenever I thought of Chrom, I thought of what would happen.

But when I thought the war was over, another tactician invaded the kingdom.

Chrom had told me to keep Lucina safe so I went upstairs, but all the doors were locked.

Chrom then had a battle with the tactician, and it got really intense. Chrom, of course, won.
"That's not the end of him." He said. "But it's another small victory for the shepherds."

Then, the mark on my hand was hurting. My vision went red for some reason and my heart was beating really fast.
"What's wrong?" Chrom asked. "Don't worry, we'll find help. Hang in there."

Then, Chrom felt something plunge him in the chest. He was clutching the spot where he was hurt and there was an orange bolt of lightning.

I looked down at my sore hand and I saw orange lightning from my hand and the only thing that went through my mind was: "I killed Chrom".

Chrom, being the forgiving tactician he is, knew I couldn't kill him.
"This is not your... your fault." He gasped. "Promise me you'll escape from this place... please go!"

And then Chrom fainted. The only thing that could be heard was an evil cackle all across the room.

Then it went dark again...

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