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When Magnus finally drifted back into consciousness, he and Annie were still seated on the floor. Annie had her hands tangled in his, legs spread either side of his and her face buried in his hair. Magnus closed his eyes again, breathing deeply and taking a moment to bask in the content feeling he felt.

"How are you feeling?" Annie mumbled quietly, squeezing their hands for a moment.

"Much better darling. Thank you."

"Ready to move to a more comfortable location?" Annie said quietly, calling her to brother and Alec from were they were standing by the window over when he nodded yes. The two men carefully pulled the exhausted and drained warlock to his feet, only letting go when they're sure he isn't about to collapse. Annie removed her boots before she stood up, leaving her still in a pair of funky socks.

It wasn't until Clary left Magnus' apartment that night with Jace that Magnus and Anna got to depart in order to get some sleep. She was still pissed at Nik, if the glares she continuously shot him were anything to go by. When Luke went to sleep so his injuries would heal and Jace and Clary dissapeared somewhere, Anna got to her feet, tired.

"If i wasn't so tired, i'd punch you." Annie threw a harsh glare at her soulbonded. Nik winced, feeling the anger she was feeling through the bond.

"You can hit me during training tomorrow." Nik offered, smiling weakly when she threw him a thumbs up as she and Magnus headed into the spare bedroom. Upon Alec's raised eyebrow, Nik shook his head.

"She is a formidable warrior."

Alec left early the next morning, having had fallen asleep on the sofa talking with Niklaus all night. There was something about him that allured Alec to no end, made him want to see him again. Which is why Alec left a post-it note on Nik's phone with his number on it before he snuck out.

"Slept at Magnus' place?" Izzy called him out as soon as he entered the institute, and Alec grunted as the blonde appeared in his mind.

"Magnus was with his girlfriend." Alec told Izzy, who's eyebrows raised in surprise. "That girl i mentioned the other day, the one who bore red-runes and called a parabatai bond a 'soulbonded'?"

"Oh." Izzy sounded skeptical, so Alec figured he should mention Annie's brother.

"I was with her brother." He blurted out, watching his sisters frown disappear and a curious grin cover her face. "And we didn't do much sleeping." At Izzy's suggestively raised eyebrows, Alec blushed and shook his head. "Not like that. He made drinks. We talked."

"Oh yeah?" Izzy seemed interested now.

"He's got the same red runes as the girl." Alec said in a low voice. "And i swore i saw his stele light up gold."

"But adamas lights up white." Alec nodded his head.

"Exactly. And Magnus seems to know, but he's not saying anything."

"If Magnus knows and we don't, maybe there's a good reason for it." Izzy suggested with a smile and Alec just hoped she was right.

Annie woke up mid-morning to the familiar feeling of soft silk sheets and a tanned arm curled around her waist, a head resting on the back of her shoulder. She was laying on her stomach, the only way she could sleep, and her face was buried into her pillow.

"Morning love." Magnus said into her skin, fingers brushing down her spine.

"Morning." Annie said, though it was slightly muffled into her pillow as she refused to move yet. She felt far too content, just wanting to sleep forever. Of course she knew she couldn't, what with Magnus having clients and Annie having to repair her soulbond with Nik. But for now they could lay together, basking in the sunlight and the feeling of each other for a few more minutes. Unfortunately their peace was disturbed by Annie's phone ringing. She let out a groan, thrusting a hand out and blindly searching for her phone until she came across the device and answering it, pressing it against her ear.

"What the fuck do you want?" She groaned and Magnus snorted at her choice of words. The person on the other end chuckled.

"I forgot how unpleasant you are in the morning." Jay mused with a laugh and Annie would have glared at him if it wasn't a phone call. "I'm sorry to disturb you on your day off, but myself and Daniel are hoping you and Magnus could come in. We've had reports of Warlock's disappearing from the streets and we're concerned it's not limited to New York." Annie pushed herself up, now fully awake and ignoring the protest of Magnus.

"Who's gone missing so far?" Annie asked. "I know warlocks are taking all the necessary precautions, most have portalled out of the city now."

"I'm afraid that's why i'm calling, i have Michael and Catarina sitting in our med bay with a small group of warlock children." Annie gasped. "Michael is in critical, Cat's fine and so are the children but she want's Magnus to come down here."

"We'll be there soon." Annie ended the call and turned back to Magnus, who was watching her curiously.

"Everything alright love?"

"One of your safe houses was raided last night." Annie told him, the Warlock sitting up quickly. "The children are fine but Michael is in critical. Cat's with them now but she's requesting you to head to the Hub."

"Yeah, yeah of course." Magnus nodded. He got up, heading in the direction of his bathroom while Annie was already pulling on a pair of combat trousers, her dress forgotten on the chair.

Nik arrived back at their base almost an hour after Anna and Magnus, having elected to walk rather than portal. Upon entering the Hub, it was utter chaos. Daniel was barking orders at the ward teams while Jay was standing under a sparking lamp trying to help the IT guys to fix the monitors. Blood soaked the gold illuminated floors of the opps centre and the training room.

"What the hell happened?" Nik barked at the first Trickster he saw, gently grabbing at his upper arm. He had blood caked across the side of his head, matting his hair to his scalp.

"Valentine attacked." The Trickster replied grimly, allowing Nik to draw an Iratze on his neck for his wound. "We lost four of our own, three unaccounted for and a dozen or so casualties."

"Shit." Nik swore, releasing the Trickster and allowing him to get back to work. "Daniel! I need to talk to you!"

"Not right now Niklaus!" Daniel barked, still tapping on one of the monitors.

"I think this may have been my fault." Daniel stopped, turning to frown at Nik.

"What do you mean?"

"I was kidnapped by Valentine's men, and i've lost 2 days of memories." He explained. "Who knows what happened?" Daniel shook his head.

"No, this wasn't your fault." Daniel said determinedly. "Valentine has been searching for us since the uprising 18 years ago, it was only a matter of time before he found one of our locations. Go to the infirmary, check on your sister and the warlocks."

"Wait, i have an idea. But i'm not sure you're gonna like it."

"At this minute, i'm willing to try anything to keep my people safe." Daniel claimed.

"We need to make an alliance with the New York Shadowhunters."

authors note

oooh, stuffs stirring up!!! yay

date written : 11/03/18
date published : 16/01/18
edited : yass-ish
word count : 1269

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