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The streets of New York were rather calm that evening as Anna Fitzgerald and her brother Niklaus walked towards Taki's, a restaurant for all downworlders, nephilim and sighted mundanes.

"God sometimes i want to stab you." Annie scowled, glaring up at her brother who merely grinned back st her, his dark red runes stark against his pale skin.

"You wanting Chinese, Indian or Thai?" Nik asked as they turned the corner, only to be yanked into an alley by two circle members.

"Nik!" Annie screamed, throwing her head back as two hands clamped down on her shoulders and her head colliding with her assailants nose. He released her with a shout of pain, giving Annie enough time to unsheathe her sword by her side and the gold witch light to light up before she ran it through him, her eyes catching his black runes and circle rune on his neck.

"Nik!" Annie cried out again, covered in blood and her breathing uneven when she span around only to find blood but no sign of the two circle members and her brother. "No, no no no no."

Magnus sat down on his sofa, a drink in hand as the shadowhunters finished cleaning up the back room where they'd completed the summoning when frantic knocking caught his attention. Magnus frowned, nobody knew of this location yet.

"Magnus!" An all too familiar female voice shouted through the door, the banging continuing and Magnus got to his feet so quickly it startled the raven haired Shadowhunter in his living room.

"Who is that?" Alec asked immediately, on defense.

"Hold on." Magnus held up a hand, opening the door only to catch the short blonde who fell through his front door covered in blood and crying hysterically. "Annie? Darling what's going on?" Magnus asked softly, in voice that startled Alec.

"They took him Magnus!" Annie sobbed out. "They took Nik!" She grasped onto his silk shirt, though Magnus didn't seem to notice the blood staining his shirt, eyes soley focused on Annie.

"Who took him?" Magnus asked strongly, grasping her face between his hands. "Who took your brother Annie?" He asked again.

"Valentine." She slurred out and it was only then that Magnus noticed the deep gash across the side of her head. "He took him Mags, he got my soulbonded..." with that she promptly passed out in Magnus arms, the warlock grunting with the extra effort to hold the Trickster girl upright.

"Alexander, i'm going to need a little assistance." Magnus asked the shadowhunter, who didn't hesitate to take the girl from his arms and carry her over to the sofa. He set her down gently, only then noticing the colour of her runes.

"Who is she? Why are her runes red?" Alec muttered, running his fingers across the deflect/block rune that was on her neck similarly to his.

"I'm not permitted to say." Magnus admitted, holding out a first aid kit to Alec. "Can you stitch up her head wound. Normally we'd use healing runes but her soulbonded isn't here to administer them." Alec accepted the kit and made quick work of stitching her up. "As for who she is, she's my best friend, girlfriend, wife, whichever one makes sense in the moment."

"What's a Soul-bonded?" Alec questioned and Magnus sighed, crossing his arms and just thankful he didn't ask about their relationship.

"Its their version of Parabatai." Magnus admitted, shifting forward and yanking down the shoulder of Annie's shirt to show the deep red parabatai rune just below her collar bone. "Niklaus is her twin brother. They bonded when they were 10 years old."

"But that's too young." Alec protested lightly, tying off the stitches, frowning at the warlock who was flicking through the pages of a book while pacing the floor behind the sofa.

"Not for them." Magnus half-replied. "Now if you shadowhunters don't mind, i have work to do?" Alec nodded his head, standing back up.

"Of course. Thank you for your help with the memory demon." Magnus nodded his head and watched as Alec strode off to collect his siblings and the Fairchild girl and Magnus sighed. He had a feeling he hadn't seen the last of those pesky Shadowhunters.

When Annie came too, her shoulder was pulsing in pain from her disrupted bond and she whimpered, catching the attention of the Warlock who had helped her the night before.

"Trickster darling, are you alright?" Annie pushed herself upright, holding her left arm against her chest. Gone was her favourite jacket and jeans, instead she wore a pair of pyjama bottoms and a button up shirt made of blue silk.

"It burns." Annie grimaced, the pain not dimming but not getting worse.

"What hurts?"

"My head, my bond." Magnus sent a weak but sympathetic smile to the girl, snapping his fingers to allow the blue haze of his magic to run over the side of her head. The throb dulled until it was non-existent, relieving Annie.

"I'm afraid the pain in your bond isn't easily suppressed." Magnus murmured, running a hand over hers. "You need to activate your core, Annie."

"I've never done it without Nik before." Annie replied, looking down at her legs with an almost shameful look on her face.

"Anna, love, that's nothing to be ashamed of." Magnus soothed. "I'm right here, i'll help you. Anchor yourself to my magic and it'll stabilize you." Annie took a deep breath and nodded slowly, closing her eyes and grasping around in her mind for the familiar string. Once she found it she tugged gently, then a bit firmer until her eyes snapped open and shined red with the activation of her angelic magic. The aqua blue haze twisted elegantly around her palm and intertwined with the Warlock's deeper blue magic, and slowly the pain ebbed away from her shoulder until a barely-there throb remained.

"Thank you." Annie whispered, smiling when the only reply she gets from the warlock is the twinkle of amusement and relief in his unglamoured cat eyes.

authors note

annie and magnus are my faves rn. i'm introducing alec's love interest in the next chapter and just incase there are any new commers or dumbasses heres some info

i know alec is gay, therefore his love interest will also be a dude
since magnus is as he says 'a free-wheeling bisexual' i have put him in a relationship with anna.

in time more will be revealed but heres a quick summary of what we know about my tricksters

- the witchlight glows gold instead of shadowhunter white
- their runes are a dark red, a maroon or mauve, depending on lighting i suppose
- they have angel magic gifted to them by their creator who will be revealed in a few chapters

i feel it is crucial to point out that my tricksters are not the same as shadowhunters. there is no clave or anything like that, they run as a small country, and only operate in 8 of the major cities in the world and have very different life spans from the shadowhunters, which is a cricual reasoning to why i put anna and magnus together.

date written : 10/03/18
date published : 12/03/18
edited : nah brah
word count : 1207

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