the dom and his baby mate (age-play)

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Third Person POV

It was a warm sunny day in the land of Trima as a young fifteen year old boy named Perry was sitting on the porch of his parents house and was enjoying the first day of summer freedome. He had passed all his classes with A's and B's and was excited as he would have the whole summer to sleep in and hang out with his best friend Dorian. His parents worked full time jobs and so he would not see them much during the week until late at night,but this summer was also one of dread as Perry had been marked at birth as a werewolf and when he turned sixteen a mark would appear on him and say wether he was a Dominate or a submissive. The young teen was worried because it was common knowledge that a Submissive was taken to a compound and placed into a small room where they were stripped down and dressed in a diaper and blue shirt and given a shot to keep them from ever getting taller so they would stay small forever as werewolfs tended to be immortal.They are then put into a room with a window where they could be looked at by the Dominate werewolves and chosen to be their mate who would be treated as a baby. This was not what Perry wanted as he did not want to be diapered and babied by anyone even though being the mate of a male was fine to him since he was gay and all Dominate wolves were well muscled and handsome. Perry knew he would turn out to be Submissive since he was very small for his age and he could not gain muscle no matter how much he worked out. He was a lean boy which shaggy black hair and dark blue eyes and he loved to wear shorts but was not fond of shirts and found them irritating. This day he was wearing a pair of overalls with no shoes or shirt and was eating a piece of watermelon. He was waiting for the werewolves who had already reached maturity to come by on the way to their jobs in the village. Dominate wolves all had jobs doing work that was too hard forthe average human light bulding homes and sniffing out convicts that had escaped from the village jail which tended to happen about once a week. The small village they lived in was not very big nor very wealthy and so most of the humans lived simple lives and had just what they needed,but Perry was happy since his family was one of the wealther ones and so they had a TV and plenty of food to eat.Perry had been chosen as a werewolf because when he was born he was under 20 inches in length so it was under contract that all children under a certain length were to be injected with the wolf gene so when they became sixteen they would have a better life be it as a loving protective Dominate or a babied and loved Submissive. The werewolves had made this contract with the humans so they would not have to steal human teens anymore and could have a bigger variety of personalities when they went to pick their mate from the complex downtown. Perry looked up as the werewolves came by his house and he looked at them trying to figure out what kind of wolf would choose him as a mate if he became a submissive and he saw that most of them looked very stern and would have a lot of rules for their baby's/mates. He did not want one of those because he did not like rules and tended to break them a lot when he thought them stupid or unfair. As he was looking a stern looking wolf with short brown hair and deep green eyes looked into his own blue ones. The wolf gave him a knowing smile and Perry got up in shock and ran inside and locked the door not seeing the browned hair wolf chuckle and shake his head in joy knowing that boy was the one he wanted as his mate.

Perry's POV

Perry leaned against the door and tried to catch his breath as he thoguht back to how that wolf had stared at him like he knew that he would turn out to be a sub. This made Perry upset as he would be sixteen in two days and that wold looked about nineteen and was old enough to choose his mate as he was over the legal age to choose. It was thought that when you were chosen you were taken into the forest where the werewolves had their own town with shops and eating places and rumor has it they also had an adult baby store that the dom's could go to and buy their baby mates toys,supplies and clothes. Perry rans his hands through his hair and went and plopped onto a chair and thinks to himself  'Man I hope he doesnt pick me he looks to stern and if I have to be a baby I want a push over mate that I can get to do what I want,'he stares at the wall and tries not to think about the wolf again because he was sure that he would be a dom even though he was tiny. Feeling hungry the young teen goes into the kitchen and make him a ham and cheese sandwhich and make sure the cost is clear before heading back outside to eat it.He sits on the steps and munches on his lunch as he decides to go to the apple orchird and try and get some apples for a snack later.The young teen walks down the path behind his house to a large orchird that was owned by a kind farmer who had told Perry he was always welcome to get some apples whenever he wanted. The farmer usually left out a ladder so he could climb it to get to the apples,but when he got there today he saw that it was no where to be seen. He looks around to see if it had been moved else where and deciides to just climb the tree once he see's the ladder is not in the field,Perry grabs the lowest branch he could reach and starts to pull himself up into the tree and knows he has to be careful not to fall out or he could break something. The teen climbs up high till he gets to the best apples and he starts to pick a few putting them inside his overalls to save for later. Next he picks one and starts to eat it while longing on a branch and looking around the field noticing a few werewolves picking up huge tractor parts to fix the farmers equipment and he saw one of them look up at him,but he was too far away to see any of the wolves features except for his brown hair. After he had sat there for awhile he decided to climb down and go home to take a bath as he started down he got a bit nervous as it was harder going down than up and when he was the second to the last branch his foot slipped and he started to fall only to be caught in a pair of strong arms. When he looked up he saw a pair of angry green eyes looking down at him and he gulped knowing this was the same wolf who had smiled at him earlier today.

Coal's POV

Coal had been thinking of the boy he had seen on his front porch that morning and had told all the others that he would be the one he chose for his mate. The others nodded saying they would leave the younger boy for him and that they had been looking and had already chose their baby's as well and so they had talked about the boys all that morning while they worked. The young wolf worked fixing farm equipment and made pretty good money doing it as he had started saving as soon as he had hit sixteen and saw that he would be a Dom. He had a nice cottage with a fully equiped nursery fro his new baby when the time came for him to pick and a tv,which he barely used and plenty of food. Coal lived modestly so he had a lot of money saved up to buy things he baby wanted when he behaved and to have his baby's shots paid for in advance. The wolf had learned from the farmer they were helping today that he knew the boy he was talking about and that his birthday was in a few days. This made the wolf almot jump for joy,but he did not want to give away his excitement and so he had simply noded to the farmer. He looked up when the man said the boy was a little mischivious and did not like to follow rules at home, Coal said to the man "Does he do what his parents tell him?" The farmer shakes his head no and says "No he doesnt and that has gotten him hurt at times." The wolf knows that he would have to change the way his baby acted and started to think up some rules for when he brought him home and was about to ask his friends about the rules when he looked up and saw the boy at the top of an apple tree which made him furious. The boy could not see him he knew and so he told the farmer to excuse him and he walked off to stand at the bottom of the tree and wait for the boy to come down so he could give him a few good smacks on the bottom for doing something so dangerous with no one around to see if he fell. Coal saw the boy start to climb down slowly and was about to start scolding him when the boy slipped and fell making the wolf act quickly and catch him before he hit the ground. He sees the teen look at him with fright as he sets him down and turns him and starts smacking the young teen bottom making him cry out in paina dn shock as he smacked him ten times while saying "are you crazy you do not climb up tree's for any reason you could have been killed or really injured." After he had spanked and scolded him he started dragging the crying boy down the path and back to him home where he knocked on the door and told the boys mother what he had done. The teens mother gave her son a disapproving look and pulled him inside and sent him to his room and groudned him till his birthday,she then turned back to Coal and says "Thank you for bringing him home and for disaplining him. Perry can be a big handful at times so thank you again." Coal nods when she closes the door and smiles a bit since he now knew his mates name and goes back to work thinking about in two days how he will be able to take him home and pamper and love him forever and teach him to behave.

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