Delanie Kraft - Solangelo

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-Pre Solangelo-
I walk through the big house for the first time since the giant war. After spending three days in the infirmary with Will Solace, I returned to Camp Jupiter with Hazel, Frank, and Reyna. Possibly to avoid my problems and feelings, gross, but that's irrelevant. I haven't been back to Camp Half Blood in months, so naturally, I head straight for the training arena. The smell of sweat hits me instantly when I open the doors, but I'm pleasantly surprised to find the arena empty except for a few sporadically placed campers hacking away at various dummies. I draw my sword to join them and begin vigorously swinging my sword, chopping off the limbs of various dummies. I've only been going for a few minutes when someone clears their throat behind me. I turn around to see a girl with long, platinum blonde hair, and eyes coated heavily with mascara, staring at me, eyelashes moving at a speed similar to that of a hummingbird's wings.
"I'm Delanie Kraft. Daughter of Aphrodite," She tells me. Great, another one. Where is your self control Aphrodite? I think with agitation.
"So, I was wondering if you wanna hang out in my cabin tonight? Or yours, whatever you want," she says leaning towards me in what's probably meant to be a seductive manor. I don't want to cause any drama this early on my arrival, so I take a large step back and wonder how to reject this girl without telling her that A. She's a whore, and B. I don't even swing for that team.
"Um, ya know.." I silently pray to my dad, begging for an out of this situation. Seconds later, my out comes in the form of none other than Will Solace. No! I scream mentally. Anyone but him. Will approaches and takes one look at Delanie and me before wrapping his arms around me.
"Just play along," he whispers in my ear, "Nico! I missed you!" Will says louder, stepping away from me. I look up at him, trying to figure out what he's getting at. My answer comes when he wraps his arms around my neck.
"I missed you too," I reply.
"Ya know, I was really upset that you didn't iris message me while you were away," Will fake pouts. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Delanie watching out exchange in confusion.
"I'm sorry, I got busy," I say, trying to add sadness to my voice.
"Well it's better now that you're here," Will says. His eyes flicker to my lips and it's the only warning he gives before leaning down to press his lips to mine. I lean into him, subconsciously I see Delanie turning various shades of red and green, but eventually Will takes my full attention. The clicking of high heels stomping away on the hard arena floor faintly registers in my mind as Will continues to kiss me. I finally build up the restraint to pull back from him.
"Thanks," I mutter, wiping my lips on the back of my hand.
"You didn't have to do that," I tell him.
"Do what?"
"Kiss me." Will blinks.
"You didn't have to kiss back," he replies.
"I wanted to," I mutter.
"I wanted to, too," Will replies, lacing his fingers with mine.

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