Treyton Stoll

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I mentally groan, and Kaden lets out a huff as we walk down the hall and see Madi and Maci hovering in front of our lockers once again. Zöe told me what they said last night, ranting for a full ten minutes. Not that I minded. She's hot when she's frazzled. I take a deep breath before walking down the hall, not so discreetly pushing Maci aside so that I'm able to retrieve my books from my locker. Kaden does the same. I can tell this agitates the two girls.
"So, since you've had time to rethink things, what are your plans for prom?" Madi asks. I mentally roll my eyes in annoyance.
"They're non existent because prom is in six months," I tell them coolly .
"Exactly, so we need to start planning," Maci responds as if this is obvious.
"Okay then start planning with someone else, because we aren't taking either of you," Kaden says exasperated.
"You said you knew who you were taking yesterday," Maci says with a frown. I open my mouth to reply, but Madi puts her hand up, stopping me.
"And don't tell us you're taking Bianca and Zöe. They're annoying. I don't even know how they made varsity," Madi huffs.
"Probably cause they can actually stunt and don't just stand there," I mumble under my breath. As if on cue, Zöe and Bianca walk past, not seeming to notice us. I quickly reach out, grabbing the unsuspecting girl by the wrist, spinning her into me. The momentum causes her to stumble, hands landing on my chest to avoid slamming her face on my shoulder.
"Hi," her muffled voice says.
"A warning would be nice next time," she grumbles, glaring up at me.
"No. No next time. Step off Jackson," Maci seethes, glaring at Zöe. Zöe glares back at the girl.
"I thought we'd been over this already," Zöe says, turning so her back is pressed against my chest. I wrap my arms around her waist protectively, but this action doesn't go unnoticed.
"Honestly Treyton, this is ridiculous. We're offering to let you two take us to prom," Madi says, intervening.
"Letting or forcing, there's a difference," Kaden grumbles, earning him a glare from the blondes in front of us.
"Yeah, and besides, I already asked Zöe to go with me, right Zöe?" I say, mentally noting to officially ask her again later.
"Uh, right," Zöe agrees.
"Yup, and I'm taking Bianca," Kaden adds. Maci and Madi look like they're ready to scream.
"Fine, whatever," Maci snaps. With a final glare, the two girls storm off. Zöe and Bianca turn to us.
"Explain," Zöe demands, sounding vaguely miffed.
"They wouldn't leave us alone! Besides, you told us not to take them last night," Kaden defends.
"And what if I wanted to go to prom with Beck?" Zöe pouts, glaring up at me with her large green eyes.
"We all know Beck will take Silena," I tell her.
"Maybe I like Kaden," Zöe responds stubbornly. I look down at her with a raised eyebrow.
"Are you really going to try that one with Bianca here?" I ask, gesturing to B. Zöe just huffs.
"If you don't want to go with me, you can just say so," I tell her, a little hurt. I thought it was common knowledge that we were an unofficial couple.
"I'm not just you're last resort when you're trying to get out of something you don't want to do," Zöe snaps.
"Uh, Bianca, I think you forgot your biology book in your locker," Kaden says.
"What? No I-"
"You really did," Kaden interrupts, grabbing B and pulling her away, leaving Zöe and I alone.
"What is your problem exactly?" I ask, immediately wishing I could reword that phrase.
"What's my problem? My problem is that I've liked you for years now, but you only ever like me when it's convenient for you! I am not a game piece that you can move around a mess with!" Zöe exclaims.
"Why are you staring at me? Are you even listening?" Zöe asks in frustration.
"Shit," I mumble.
"Um, excuse me?" She asks with a frown.
"Look, I hate that you're mad at me, but you're really hot right now," I reply.
"Ugh! Stop it! You think you can make me all confused. And frazzled? Just because I like you?" Zöe retorts.
"If we both like each other, then why are we arguing?" I ask.
"I don't know!" Zöe replies. I lean down, capturing her lips with mine.
"Hey! We are in school! Let's get to class," Kaden exclaims, turning the corner, Bianca close behind.
"Gods," he grumbles, herding us off.

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