[ two ] | sterling archer

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for @queenofdisharmony! enjoy :)

IMAGINE... Archer having feelings for you but you don't have any for him, so he tries to show you that he's much better than his reputation.

 Archer having feelings for you but you don't have any for him, so he tries to show you that he's much better than his reputation

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Now, you didn't like Archer at all at first. As a matter of fact, after hearing of how he treated Lana - you sort of despised him. You didn't understand why he cheated on her so much, especially since she was pretty much a good girlfriend to him through it all. 

So when Pam told you that Archer had feelings for you, you couldn't help but scoff, turn your head to hide your smile, then laugh. It was pretty funny. Pam defended him, "hey, why are you laughing?" You raised an eyebrow, actually wondering why she thought that it wasn't. Sure, they were close friends; okay, he admitted that Pam is his only friend, but still. Can't she see that Archer having feelings isn't possible?

"Pam, listen... I don't know why you're telling me, because Sterling is just.... He cheated on Lana, what makes you think I care for his "feelings" - does he even actually have any!?" She opened her mouth to say something before she shut herself down. "Hmm, maybe not. But c'moooon, Y/N!"

"'C'mon Y/N' what? I'm not going to give him a chance, Pam."

"Give who a chance?" Dammit! You turned around to see Sterling's head peeking from behind the lunch room door, his left eyebrow raised. "Like, in a date way or like, partner way, like with Ray or something."

"What do you mean by 'partner way', what other way is there when it comes to giving someone a chance?" You asked him, crossing your arms and making your voice stern. 

"Well, there's a lot of ways, for instance-"

"Archer, I don't care." He blinked, even a little shocked. "Ooh, trouble in para-" You pushed Pam out of the way before she could finish her sentence. "Pam told me that you," you held in laughter, "have... feelings for me." You wanted to seem as professional as possible, but you couldn't help it. It was kind of funny.

"Wh- Pam!" 

Now it was the afternoon, and you were doing your own paperwork when you heard a knock at your door. Rarely anyone ever came by your room, simply because they knew that you hated being bothered. You had your own work to do, and it was frustrating to be bombarded with whatever shenanigans the agency had in store for you. Your first week, before you were even really comfortable there, Pam came by your office a lot and it was only for gossip, support, or to try and get to know you. After that, you set ground rules: Don't come by your door for anything you can't google.

So when you said "come in" and saw Archer there, with a bouquet of flowers and looking hopeful, you weren't too impressed to say the least. 

"Goddammit, Archer..!" The door closed behind him. "Hi, so... Y/N, about earlier-" "No, I'm not going out with you!"

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