Chappy 4😂

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Calling ~~~

Hi, Elise said.....Hey, where are you now? Were already here at the school gate , a girl voice heard from the phone...Uhm sorry , just a little traffic here but I'll be there just in 5 minutes, Elise said ...


Author's POV

While Elise is at the school gate now, she saw three girls coming to her way....

Elise, we have something to tell you , Elise's friends said to her with laugh and giggles ....Uhm, what? Okay I get it , don't prank me again, she said to them with a crossing her arms and looking them with a deadpan ....Yes, its not prank ....Its really important, Chloe said with nervous happy tone...

Sure ? Cause I'm not in the moo~~~whahhhhhhhhhh were we going ,please slow down guuuuuuyyyssssssss, Elise said while shouting ....Here ,were......., Reyah said while panting ....

Why........ did Can we just.........walked? , Elise said to them while catching her breath....

Get inside, Chloe murmured .....Why would I ??? Its jus~~, Elise didn't continue her words cause Chloe pushed her to get inside the empty room ...

Uh hello? Is anybody here ???.....Uhmm hello? , Elise said......

Elis~~, the voice of the male broke when he felt that someone punched him.....Why are you trying to do with me you kind of jerk, Elise scolded the male .....Don't you recognized me? I'm Christian ,your schoolmate , the male said...

When Elise turned the lights on, he realized that it was him .......Oh no , I'm so sorry , I taught that your~~,Elise stopped....No ,no need to apologize ....its just nothing, Christian said.......

....I'm really sorry bout' that, by the way why are you here?, Elise asked him......It's just , I want to treat you ,he said while scratching the back of his neck ....

To treat what?, Elise muttered .......To watch movie, she heard his voice ......Ok then , I'll come with you , Elise said while blushing so she decided to turn back ......Well then, I'll pick you up then by 3:00pm , Christian said ....

Ok , Elise answered while smiling .......

Oh they're here , screamed .........So now what? I think you both need some little chitchat, well then goodbye!See ya later, Elise's friend said while waving and they waved back ...
Oh bother, why did they leave me here? They'll gonna pay for this , Elise muttered to her self....

So now what?,Christian broke the awkward silence.....Uh, I think I need to go now because my classes starts later, Elise said ......

Uh ok, see you later , Christian said while scratching the back of his neck ......Ok see you later too, Elise said and waving at him and Christian waved back at her .....

Ouch, why did she hit me so strong? , Christian murmured while wiping his left cheek ....Uh that girl , but even she's like that she's still cute , he muttered to his self while remembering the cute face of Elise ........


Time Skip ~~~

Elise got home because they're only half day and she want some rest then later she want to get ready for the movie marathon treated by his schoolmate crush .....

Yolo yolo yolo yo ~~ Elise heard her phone beeped ...She clicked the messaged app to see who chatted her ......

Unknown : Hi there, get ready later ......I really want to see you again ....I really missed you so much😉 ......please get ready ok? .Don't be shock ........

Elise : who are you?
Unknown: Secret , you'll see later .....bye 😉😘

Active 2 seconds ago

Who is that guy? What's wrong with him? 😕 I think its just Christian who chatted me about the movie marathon Elise murmured ....

But my senses said to me that it wasn't him ...

Wait, I think I know him , hmmmm what's with that emoji ? , Elise mumbled...


As she laid to her bed , she heard a knock from her door.....Elise, a voice from a lady heard outside of her room ......

Uh yes? , she said in asking tone while running towards the door of her room and opened it...

....Mam Elise, someone is looking for you ....He said that he is your friend and he's at the living room right now , the lady maid said while smiling at her ...

Uh ok, Elise said....Uhm just tell him I'll be there in five minutes , she said while getting back inside to her room ...
Why he is so early , he said that he'll pick up me in 3:00pm , she mumbled ...

Elise brushed her hair and fixed her dress because she want to be look presentable at the front of him ....As she walked down to the stairs, her knees trembled as she saw the unfamiliar figure of a man ....

When she finally stepped at the floor, she walked with high chest and calming down her self ....

Excuse me ?, she said while clearing her throat to distract the man ...

Hi there .....Wow you look stunning , the man said with a wink making Elise shocked ......

You!!!? ,she yelled ....

Eyow again guys , sorry for the slow update .......I'm really sorry about this chapter cause I didn't wrote it well since my head continuing hurts ....I have a headache , I'm really sorry guys because I don't have skills to write English story .....

If you comment some negatives sayings I appreciate it cause its true , and I really deserve those hateful comments ... But even you comment like that , I still love you :) ;)

Bye~~ see ya at the next chapter ..

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