The Truth About Fairytales - Snow White

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Fairytales, stories that was fed to us as children to give us the illusion that good will always triumph over evil no matter the circumstances. 

In reality, good doesn't always triumph over evil and fairytales may not have happened the way they were written.

This tale is about what really happened to Snow White, instead of those lies that were fed to you and everyone else for generations.


Snow White's name isn't really Snow White, you know? Her name was Netta, tweaked from the German word for beauty, nett.  

Queen Grimhilde wasn't really Grimhilde, it was a name she had gotten when she was 'attempting' to murder Netta. Schona was her real name, which came from the German word for beautiful, schon.

She was a beautiful young maiden looking for love when Netta's mother, the queen has died. 

That was when the king started looking for a new bride and Schona which happened to be nearby the palace that day was spotted by the king and he 'fell in love' with this beautiful maiden. 

He ordered his guards to look out for this beauty and to bring her to him.

The very next day they had brought her to the king.

He explained the situation and had threatened her that if she doesn't agree to marry him, she would live the rest of her life in a dungeon, tortured. In addition, her family will suffer.

Schona was a girl who loved her family and she couldn't bear to see them suffer, very reluctantly she agreed to marry him, though she did not give her heart to him.

The wedding was spectacular, every aspect of it was grand and it was every maiden's dream. Every maiden except Schona's.

Netta, who was only five but was the bride's maid, saw Schona's sad and moping expression when she was preparing to be wedded, asked why seemed so depressed. 

Schona gave a small smile and answered," Netta, I know that this might seem like a dream to anyone, to be a queen, but it is not mine. I want to marry a man who I love, even if he is the poorest of the poor, I would be happy.He threatened to make life hard for my family and I cannot bear for them to suffer, therefore, I am marrying your father."

Netta nodded gravely and answered, " I understand, sonna."

Schona smiled at the nickname she had been given by her little friend.

Netta, though young, was very wise, asked," Do you plan to run away after the wedding, sonna?"

Schona, who had considered this, shook her head, and said," I had considered this, but I know that your father would make my life very hard for my family, so running away is not an option."

Before Netta could say anything, bells started chiming, signaling the fact that it was time for the bride to walk down the aisle.

What do you guys think of the idea?

I may decide to change certain things, like the point of view, description and wording, so I do hope you guys understand that nothing is set in stone and everything written above have a chance of being changed.

Until next time!

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