Winterspell (Answers)

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I woke with a start, I don't know why but it felt like I had just woken from a horrible dream. I looked out the window and it was bright out, i then glanced at the alarm clock.

"Mom!" I yelped hurrying to get dressed. She soon appeared at the door, "why didn't you wake me?" I asked while frantically gathering the scattered papers I had left on my desk even the lamplight was still on.

"Where are you going?" She asked sounding generally surprised.

I paused and looked at her for a minute and then, ""

Her surprise disappeared and simultaneously a smile appeared, "it's Saturday sweetie," and then "Tess and Abigail are already downstairs."

I was stunned, I was sure it was Wednesday... "Ok tell them that I'll be down in a minute."

"Ok," she replied and left.

Why was I so sure it was Wednesday? If it's Saturday? I soon brushed the thought aside and changed into something a little more casual.

It took me a while to get my hair under control but soon I was ready. I hurried out of my room and along the passage then down the stairs.

Tess greeted me with a smile "hey sleeping beauty." She called from the table, Abigail giggled. My mom had already made breakfast and the smell made my mouth water.

Blueberry pancakes.

I sat beside Abigail and began pouring some orange juice when she suddenly grabbed my hand, making the juice spill all over the table.

"You need to wake up!" She stated. Suddenly her eyes widened and she pulled her hand back and started talking with Tess who didn't seem to notice.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked Abigail, I was a little angry.

"Do what?" She asked seeming genuinely confused.



"Just look at that!" Dylan stated gleefully, "She has so much essence that it's practically flowing from her! With this the gate to power and paradise is sure to open!"

He laughed with wicked glee, his eyes seemingly locked on Alice the marks on his arms glowing so bright now that the once faded blue marks that they were, were now white. His eyes glowing the same light his arms radiated making it seem he had brightly glowing orbs behind his eyelids.

Alice stood still, eyes closed, while waves of seemingly weightless water pulsed out from her very being, her hair billowing with the force of the substance while Dylan bathed in it.

With acute speed Van and Leo appeared and now looked on from the side opposite Amy.

Amy recognized their custom gear and masks, trademark of Vehretta's five guards but the woman who was with them in ougitou gear Amy swore was an impersonator because her physique and short hair cut just above here shoulders made her seem like Vehretta, someone she had helped the rest of the elites kill per Alice's request, so she couldn't be.

She couldn't believe it and perhaps didn't want to but the person seemed like her and bore undoubtable similarity.

Her black combat boots made her seem even taller.

Amy wanted to join them but due to lack of information, stood her ground. Besides there was no telling what Dylan was capable of seeing how much of Alice's essence he was absorbing.

Dylan's smile faded as he turned to face the ougitou behind him. "It seems I over estimated Alice's abilities." And then "she couldn't kill you after all."

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