Doki Doki Tickle Club

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I wipe a layer away of steam clung to my bathroom window. My sleepy eyes still adjust from waking up not half an hour ago. Lazily, I fix my hair in the mirror, something I normally wouldn't put so much thought into doing. Looking back at myself in my reflection, I can only shake my head at how so much had changed about me since I joined the Literature Club. No longer was I the slacker who never took a sense of pride in his appearance. I now put much more focus into how I look than I ever had before, not that I'd assume it's made much of a difference. To me, I'm still the straight B and C student, video game and manga enthusiast. Nothing remarkable that would possibly make me stand out from the rest. Yet, for a moment, I almost don't recognize myself. I was never the one to put in so much effort to impress people, but after joining the Literature Club as pressured by my best friend, Sayori, I find myself much more conscious about these things and I don't know why. Actually, I do know why, but I would have to admit that the girls of the club were the reasons.

I race back to my bedroom to pick out clothes for the day. The weekend had arrived, but I still had a big day ahead of me. With the school clubs festival happening in just three days, the Literature Club needed me to help out one of the girls. This is my chance to really get to know them. While I do know Sayori pretty well already, I'm always down for spending more time with her. With the rest, Monika, Yuri, and Natsuki, I'm still getting to know them. They're all very sweet and interesting, and all very talented when it comes to writing poetry in their own unique styles. I had spent a little time with each in the classroom, but nothing that I consider enough to really get to know them. Of all the things that I can learn from any of them, there's one thought, one inquiry, I can't get out of my mind.

For the longest time, pretty much as long as I can remember, I've had a secret that I've never told anyone. I have slight personal fetishes for tickling and feet. It's never been anything that's really affected my life as I've had very little experience indulging in either, but it's still stayed with me as a lingering thought in the back of my mind. While I would never impose on any of the member anything unwarranted, my imagination shifts to to my love for tickling and how each may respond to such an activity. I can't say the thoughts of tickling each of them haven't crossed my mind once or twice. I'd catch small glimpses of their socked feet poking out from their shoes, or hear a sweet giggle from across the room, and my imagination would just run with it. They're all just so cute, it's hard to keep my mind from picturing it.

I spend more time than usual picking out my outfit to look as good as I possibly could, without seeming like I was trying so hard. I choose a green button down shirt; casual, but nicer than a tee. I go with a clean, dark pair of jeans to emphasize the casual. My brush my hair just enough to fit a similar aesthetic. While I dress, my mind wanders as to who I would pick to help.

Sayori, to me, seems to be the obvious choice. She's the one girl of the four that I know best. Having grown up so close to her, her and I had become very good friends far before I join the club. She was the one who got me into the Literature Club to begin with. I'd joke that I didn't know if I should love her or hate her for pushing me into it. She'd always smile that cute little smile of hers and insist either option was fine with her, so long as it made me happy. That was Sayori, always looking out for what made other people happy. Her smile alone did just that. As vice president of the Literature Club, she was always the one to defuse tense situations with a cute little joke or poem she wrote. Sayori is always so considerate. I had always thought that she was cute, certainly a well rounded likeable person, but maybe had not considered anything more of it because we were so used to being friends. Maybe I'll get to know more about what's inside that head of hers.

I remember going over to Sayori's house and we would just hang out in her room for hours. We would get into crazy tickle fights. She'd try to fight back, but I would always win. At some point I caught on to her letting me win, but I didn't say anything. Her laugh is always sweet and calming. Everyone thinks so. Sayori likes to laugh just for that, even if it sometimes seems forced. She is always the most caring, pleasing person to be around, even if she is a bit awkward at times. I always find it to be part of her charm. Between her insatiable appetite and carelessness to such things as cleaning her room and waking up on time, Sayori always seems to me to be the most easy going people ever, enjoying the simple things in life as they come. Sayori is in charge of typing, printing, and sealing the festival's fliers. I imagine she has a lot on her hands with all of those jobs. As I slip on my jeans, I consider how much fun it would be to spend the day with her.

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