Day 13

82 40 4

Blend in

The sun was angry,

blinding my eyes when

I first saw it. 

Fear imprisoned me

from my frozen limbs.

I was too scared

to walk out with my feet

and get sunburn and the flowers

laugh at my fail attempt to become

like them.

Frightened by the light rays

of regret and guilt of rain

and the wind of conscience-

a storm battling inside of me.

And those eyes below the light

smiling with the same color as mine.

Walking in counted steps and just learning to live freely

through the day.

I wonder if I ever embrace the liquid 

of shame, forced to turned away

I'll become the water

Trying to stay

afloat above the sea level

but drowning all the same.

Bucket list 12: No matter how huge the tidal waves, stay afloat.

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